Part 9

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Suho pov's

I was driving the car when Baekhyun beside me suddenly panicked like pregnant lady who is on her due to giving birth.

"What's wrong?".

"Hyung I forgot where I left my house key?"

I frown at him.

"Seriously Baek." I gave him a defeat look since he's always the careless one among us.

"I'm fucking serious hyung. Can we turn back to our school cause I think I left it somewhere at the hall." Baekhyun state.

I was hesitate at first.

"It's okay. You can just stay at my house it's already a long way to our school. "I suggest.

Not that he never stay at my house. Instead all the groups members come there often that sometimes I didn't feel like I'm at home.

"But hyung I have an important meeting tomorrow so I need my outfit. You know me well. I don't like share clothes. " Baekhyun state in a matter of fact.

I think about it for awhile and agreed.

"You sure are a troublesome kids. Next time please take care of your belongings."

With that I made a turn and change our destination to school instead of going back home.

I can't help but nag at Baekhyun about how careless he is.

But he just smile and nod his head like stupid guy.


Ana pov's

Nia and I are in my bedroom preparing for our party tonight.

Nia done my make up. I didn't want to fight her so I just get along with whatever she wanted me to do.

While I change to my dress Nia was done with her make-up on.

She gaze at me and a bright smile appear on her angelic face who became prettier with her simple make up.

"You're beautiful Ana. I'm so proud of you. You're definitely going to make all the guy kneel down for your accompany. "She hugged me.

"Erghh you're being over dramatic."

"I'm serious. Look at yourself." She shove my body in front of my mirror.

I blink in confusion at myself.

My face look more alive with the touch of Nia's. Even it's not that heavy but pretty enough to appear nice. My dress which fit perfectly on my body and don't forget my curly dark brown hair fall perfectly above my waist. I let it free since Nia said it was pretty that way.

Is that really me? Woaahh... Damn I look great. Nia was very talented.

"Well thanks to you then."

She smile and we done with our last touched up.

I bid a goodbye to my mom who smile at me.

We make our way to school with Nia's car.


Suho pov's

Aishh where is this kids.

I've been waiting for Baekhyun outside the school hall for about ten minutes.

My phone buzzed and I look at the caller ID. It's Baekhyun.

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