We were seated at a booth waiting for our drinks and 2 sisters already came by for autographs. They seemed pretty jealous considering the blunt "Who's that?" and nasty glare.
"Thats my little sister." Rian lied, rufling my hair.
"Touch my hair again and I'll settle this like when you were 11." I said half joking and he played along, covering his crotch and crossing his legs.
We finally got our drinks, they got some kind of alcohol and since I'm 7 years underage I got a doctor pepper. Jack has let me taste beer and wine before when I asked and it isn't that great. It was just a sip though when I was curious.
We ordered our food and in the half hour it took for them to prepare it, we were talking about personal stories. It was weird, I felt like I was at a sleepover and it was kind of lame and stupid. Not exactly the things you would expect 4 drinking guys to talk about. I wasn't exactly paying attention because I felt uncomfortable, but Zack has some pretty weird obsessions.
Our food arrived and the first few minutes, we ate in silence, stuffing our faces full. After, we started talking about self harm stories and scary pasts. They went throgh some pretty bad things. I felt so uncomfortable at the subject, griping the cuffs to my sleeves, covering my thighs even though nothing would be seen through the black demin. "I need some air."
I bassically climbed over the table to get out the door and walked over to Alexs car. Their problems were so much worse than mine, I had no reason compared to a brothers suicide or severe anxiety. I felt terrible for thinking my life was bad and I started breaking down.
Thats when Jack came out, followed by Alex and Rian. "Sorry about back there, we didn't mean to strike a nerve." Jack said rubbing my shoulder.
"No, it's fine." I said pushing him away. "I just thought I was going to have a panic attack." Which was true.
"Hey, don't panic." Rian said. "No pun intended."
I laughed nervousely, "Haha, it's fine. Can we go back inside? I have unfinished mashed potatoes and where's Zack?"
"Taking a leak, and you aren't having a panic attack?" Jack said.
"Nah... I think it was false. You guys really didn't have to come out here, I just needed to calm down for a minute."
"It's fine, Hope. Should we get a check and leave?" Alex asked.
"Yeah sure, if it's alright with you. Wait, haven't you been drinking?"
"Yeah, one beer won't do anything though." We walked back to our booth to find Zack talking to those girls again. They had to be like, 2 years younger than me, at least 12, and they were all over Zack. Literally. They were "flirting," rubbing his thighs and biceps. That's disgusting, even I know I'm too young to even consider a romance between any of me and the four.
"Hey Zack." Rian said, Zack looked up at him so worried and begged for any help. These girls attempts were almost laughable and so pathetic. Don't come off that strong, not the best first impression. "Babe, we were thinking of getting out of here." Rian said with a bright smile and a wink, sitting down and grabbing his hand, fingers locked. Rians plan for help was golden and I was the captain of that ship right then.
"Eww, are you two... together?" The younger one sneered. "That's gross!"
"A fan of hate is not a fan of mine." Zack told them, leaning over to kiss Rian on the cheek (By the way ASDFGHJKL). It was adorable. "Besides, where are your parents?"
"Over there," the older one pointed, "they don't know were here though, so it's fine."
"Uhh, no, that's not how this works. We're going to leave, and you two head back over to your family and uhh, eat." Zack said, and without question, we paid our check, then left.
"Does that happen to you all the time?" I asked Zack.
"What, children hitting on me?" he asked and glared at me. "Once, I went back to my hotel room and 2 pre-teens were there." What was that glare for? I wasn't- I wouldn't and I knew I had no chance with anyone in this car.
"Don't flatter yourself." I mumbled.
"Excuse me?" He asked leaning forward. "Did I say something?"
"No, you glared at me as if I were the child hooker. Just saying, that's not what's happening here."
"Uhh, you aren't trying to do that?" Zack asked and I swear I was going to punch him too.
"No!" I yelled. "Are you serious?! you're like, twice my age, I'm a potato sack, and you guys are- well, you guys are beloved rockstars. Besides, can't I have a few guy friends without the slightest 'romance' involved? Or is that illegal in this stupid society?" I felt so pissed off, and I feel like I got the message through.
He sat back in his seat and stared out the window, thinking hard.
We dropped them off at their apartment. But before they walked away, Zack turned back to say, "Hey, you were right. I'm sorry for thinking that. It's just, people your age do that all the time when they meet us, it can get out of control just like at applebees. I'm sorry I thought you were the same. Wanna get your board?"
Hometown Heroes; National Nobodies (An All Time Low fanfic)
Hayran KurguHope is an 8th grade girl, living the average american middle school life, when her heroes move into the large house directly across from hers. Alex and and Jack grow fond of this lost girl and befriend her, attempting to get her through the worst o...