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I think Bloomsbury just wants to hang ACOWAR in front of us, juuuust out of our reach.

AAAAANYWAY, today I'm in a fanfiction mood, so fanfic it is!!! I'm going to write the scene where Feyre kills Tamlin, because GODS that is the ONE THING SARAH CAN'T SCREW UP. I don't think she will, but... she better not.

So here it is:

I awoke to find the sun high in the sky, its fat, buttery rays filtering in through the window. The roses swayed in the breeze, the dark green leaves and sharp thorns obstructing the view of the hills. Spring, spring, spring. I was so tired of spring.

I got up, yawning, and opened the bedroom door. As I made my way downstairs, I plastered that happy, innocent smile Tamlin loved on my face. I stepped into the foyer to find Tamlin strapping his baldric to his chest and Lucien fastening another sword to the collection of blades at his belt.

"What's going on?" I asked. "Where are you going?"

"The King of Hybern wants us. It's an emergency," Tamlin responded, his voice flat and serious.

I made myself look sad, look worried. "An emergency? That's... worrying. Did he say anything else?"

"No," Tamlin replied too quickly. An obvious lie. But I pretended to ignore it and smiled while mentally diving into his mind.

Tamlin's mind was like his manor—pretty and covered in roses from the outside, but when you tried to break in, layers and layers of sharp, ruthless thorns sliced you. I took a deep breath and tried the tactic I'd used on Tarquin—it usually worked when I was trying to get into Tam's mind. I am spring, I told his shields. I am covered in thorns and roses. I will protect. I will protect Feyre at all costs. 

It was painful to say the last words, but it was what I needed to get in. Immediately the thorns parted, leaving a straight, grassy pathway into his darkest thoughts.

I left a piece of my mind to guard the entrance, to make sure it didn't close me in. Then I walked inside, searching for the information I needed. There. The King did say something else, Tamlin was thinking. But I can't tell Feyre. She needs to stay protected—I failed to save her last time. I have to be even more careful now. 

Tell me what he said, I begged him. What did the king say? I asked, adorning my thoughts with pretty, blood-red roses to pass as his own.

The King said that he's got his armada ready to sail, and he needs me to open up my borders, Tamlin thought. He also said he needed to tell me something else. Something too important to trust with a messenger. 

Though he'd given me the answers I needed, he was beginning to question these thoughts—Is someone in my mind? Rhys? he was thinking.

No. Rhysand couldn't possibly be in your mind. Now protect Feyre, protect her, I made him think. His doubts faded away. Good.

I quickly rushed out of his mind and back into my own. "Well, can I come?" I asked.

Tamlin's head snapped up. "Absolutely not."

"Please, Tam... I need to get out of this house! Remember last time...? That's how Rhys captured me. He caught me off guard, while I was feeling trapped!" I lied. Well, it was only partly a lie.

Tamlin pursed his lips. "This is different. If it was just to a village or a city, I might be able to allow it. But this is an overseas trip. It's much too dangerous!" His eyes turned soft. I wanted to claw them out. "Please, Feyre... I'm just trying to protect you!"

If I was trying to maintain my mask, if I wanted to remain a spy, I would've sighed and let it go. But it was time; Tamlin had no more information to give me. I knew I could just kill him. But I wanted him to hurt. I wanted my own sweet revenge. And so I pressed on. "Tamlin," I said, pushing tears out of my eyes. "You can't trap me here! You can't keep me in a cage any longer!"

Lucien winced, and I wondered if he believed me too. "Feyre," Tamlin said. "I need you to be safe. You were already taken from me once. I can't risk it happening again!"

Still I insisted—I needed to get him to do what I needed him to. "Tamlin, please!"

"No! Feyre, you have to understand! I need to know that you're safe, that he can't take you away again!"

"I'm coming, Tamlin," I said, fake tears streaming down my tears. What I'd said last time—but this time I used them as a weapon. "I'm coming whether you want me to or not."

"No, you are not coming, Feyre," Tamlin said sternly. "When I get back, we'll go to the village." He finished fastening his baldric and stalked out of the door. Lucien followed, albiet slowly, as if he knew exactly what was about to happen.

I ran after them, to where Tamlin was walking across the garden. He turned around, his green eyes flashing. "Don't make me do this, Feyre."

Oh, I wanted him to do it. I kept walking toward the door.

"Feyre, I warned you," Tamlin said, and waved a hand. A sheild wrapped around the house, solid yet invisible. It felt so much like the last time. But this time... this time I wasn't afraid.

Tamlin was still staring at me as I walked up to the shield, a smirk appearing on my face. And his eyes widened as I waved my own hand and walked right through.

"Feyre..." he whispered. "Feyre, this isn't you..."

"It is me," I crooned as I kept walking. He was frozen in place, paralyzed with shock. Oh, it felt so good! 

Wings appeared on my back, and shadowy talons appeared from my fingers. Tamlin trembled as I walked up to him.

"Oh, you don't like shadows," I said, still smirking. "How about flames instead?" The shadowy talons turned to claws of burning flame. He shrank back more, too shocked to use his own magic. "Alright, not flames. How about... water?" Sharp talons of cold, icy water replaced the flame-claws. As expected, Tamlin just trembled more. So showed him my other two powers, relishing the way he shrank back even more each time. Claws of hardened wind; talons of blinding light. Now there was only one Court left.

"Ah, I see," I said, my smirk gone, my voice cold. "You've always been so selfish, haven't you? You want me to kill you with your own power." An icy, ruthless smile appeared on my face. "As you wish."

And I shapeshifted.

I shapeshifted into a huge, furry beast with curled horns and long, silver claws that matched its sharp teeth. Tamlin scrambled backwards, tears of fear sparkling in his eyes. I knew why.

I had shapeshifted into him. I'd shifted into that beast he'd been when he'd first broken into my cottage; shifted into that beast he'd been all those nights he curled up at the foot of the bed, eyes on the windows and door.

And he knew—he knew I was about to kill him. And I knew what he'd see. 

It'd look like he was being killed by himself.

"I always knew that your mistakes would be the death of you," I said, and ripped out his throat.

Sorry! I know it's really long, but it was really fun to write! I hope you liked it! Feel free to comment and vote!

And I'll see you next time!! 

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