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Today I'll be talking about each Court's respective powers. I was just rereading ACOMAF and Sarah actually tells us about every Court's powers, even if it's just one sentence in the whole book. So if you need a reminder here you go:

Night Court: darkness

Day Court: wind

Dawn Court: healing

Winter Court: ice

Summer Court: water

Autumn Court: fire

Spring Court: shapeshifting

This makes me wonder a couple of things. One-does Hybern have its own sole power? Obviously the king is different, but I'm wondering if Hybern has its own respective power that's different from all of the Courts'. Not daematis, because they are something that isn't confined to a court/territory, though that would be cool. Maybe... earth? We have fire, water, ice, and wind, but no earth.

Another thing it makes me wonder is what would happen if Feyre combined all seven powers. In my previous post I thought it might be able to bring someone back to life, since she herself came back to life when she received a kernel of all the High Lords' powers.

So, what do you guys think?

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