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Helloo everyone! So here is the second part...!! Hope you will enjoy reading it! Drop your valuable feedback after reading! 

The episode starts with Ragini and Swara getting ready for their college.
Ragini: swara! Do you remember what you have to do today in college today?
Swara: han re I know I have to say sorry to that boy.
Ragini:Good girl. now lets go or else we will be late.
they bid bye to their famile and set for their college.

College campus:

Swara: Ragini you go attend the class I have to search thay boy.
Ragini nods and leaves.
Ragini feels hungry and go to canteen to eat something. she order panner burger and chocolate pudding for herself. Suddenly she spots laksh searching for a place to sit. she asks laksh to sit with her as she was sitting alone. Laksh is extremely happy. Laksh: hii my name is laksh maheswari. He forward his hand for a handshake. Ragini shakes hand with him and says her name. she continues eating. Laksh: if you don't mind can you join me tomorrow.. there is a pary tomorrow. we will have fun. Ragini's eyes become wide and she coughs. Laksh pat her shoulder and make her drink water. Kahin na lage man song is played in the bg.
Laksh: are you okay ragini?
Ragini: han I am okay!!
Laksh: So what did you thaught? You are joining me na?
Ragini: Actually I have to talk with my sister. I have never gone out without her.
Laksh: Don't worry! You CAN bring her too if you want!!
Ragini: Thank you so much.. I promise I will come.
Laksh thank him and goes.
Meanwhile Swara finds Sanskar sitting alone and staring his phone.
Swara: I am sorry
Sanskar: what?
Swara :I said I AM SORRY!
Sanskar- Why are you saying sorry? it was my mistake.
Swara : That means you did it knowingly..
Sanskar: No I didn't mean that. and anyways you tripped on me not me!!
Swara: Accha!! sorry...
She forwards her hand for a handshake and says Can we be friends?
Sanskar in his mind say I was waiting for this chance only. He says to swara ya sure...
They both shake hand and swara leaves saying bye to him. After Swara leaves Sanskar again stares his phone and say Miss Swara Gadodia my game has just beginned . You are falling in my trap.

At night: Ragini: Swara actually I wanted you say you something since morning.

Swara: No first let me say..
Ragini: Accha say quicky say.
Swara: I have befriended with Sanskar.
Ragini: Sanskar???
Swara: arey that boy whom I had slapped!!
Ragini: ohhh... nice... Now let me say.. I am becoming restless to say. Laksh have invited us to his party.
Swara scratches her head and asks who is laksh?
Ragini: are that boy!!!!!
Swara: oooooooo... She starts teasing Ragini and Ragini blushes...
Swara: What wil I do in the party. You go alone...
Ragini: no Swara I fear coming to his front... Please come with me... She pleads Swara to come with him! Swara agrees and they both have a sisterly hug.

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