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Hey guys! Hii! How are you all? Missing this book? I miss it  a lot😕😕😕
Here is the epilogue! I tried hard to write it!
After 2years:
Swara was running behind Diya with a dress in her hand. The whole room was messed up.
"Diya! Stop. Please wear this. Mumma can't run anymore",Swara said while panting.
"Hehhe! Mumma you are so weak. Catch me",Diya said and ran out of the room.
"Careful Diya",Swara shouted after her but as usual she paid no heed.
Sighing, Swara went in the same direction she saw her daughter run off in.
Swara knew where Diya was going- to Sanskar, her father.
As soon as she stepped in the room,she saw Diya was sitting on her father's lap with her barbie doll.
Barbie Doll- These two words can make her mad. She had some kind of obsession with those dolls.
"Diya come and just wear this dress",Swara said standing near the door.
"Papa.... I don't like that dress",Diya said pointing towards the dress in Swara's hands.
"My princess doesn't want to wear that dress? Okay we will throw that dress",Sanskar said hugging Diya.

Diya was the apple  of her father's eyes. And he can anything just to make her smile. This proves that she is Daddy's girl.

"Shut up Sanskar. You have already thrown 5 dresses just because your daughter doesn't like it. Not anymore If she doesn't want to wear then why you keep buying? And this dress... Its new. By the way just see this dress... You have bought it",Swara said.
"Mumma I will wear this dress. Don't scold my papa. See.. how sad he is",Diya said getting out of her father's lap.
Swara buttoned up Diya's dress and once she finished fastening all the buttons,Diya once again ran to her father.
She clutched his shirt  indicating him to lift her up.
After setting comfortably in her father's lap, she resumed playing with her dolls.
"Papa... Bring new Mumma. This mumma scolds very much",Diya said.
Swara rolled her eyes in amazement.
"Haan princess. Thia mumma scolds very much. But we can't bring new mumma",Sanskar said.
"But why"? Diya asked innocently.
"Papa loves this mumma",Sanskar said looking at Swara.
Swara couldn't help but smile at her husband and daughter.
Diya got off her father's lap and went to her mother with TV remote.
"Mumma... Movie... Chachid(Shahid)",Diya said.
Swara again rolled her eyes over Diya. She was just 2 and a half years old yet she was addicted to movies. To be more clear she was addicted to Shahid Kapoor.
Swara never understood why she was addicted to Shahid but then again she was her daughter,so this was hereditary.
With a smile on her face,Swara switched on The TV.
"Papa... Chahid is so haldchome",Diya said with a smile on her face.(Papa.. Shahid is so handsome)
"More than papa"? Swara asked.
"Nooo...nooo.. Papa you are the best. You are better than chahid",Diya said kissing her father's cheeks.
Sanskar smiled in victory.
Sanskar smiled smugly,looked at Swara and said,"off course. That is why your mumma married me not him".

In every relationship there are ups and downs. Theirs had been no different. In the four years they have been married,they have had some great times. However,there have also been times when they had fights so bad that they thought they would never patch up and just divorce each other. She has even accused him of all kinds of mean and nasty things just as he has done to her. The first year of their marriage was no less than a horrible nightmare.

But now they have realized that, if there is an underlying bond of deep love,no matter how terrible the misunderstanding is,the relationship survives.

"Sanskar it's two years....",Swara said while laying in Sanakar's embrace.
Her head was on his chest and their hands were interwined.

Her head was on his chest and their hands were interwined

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