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Hey guys! Hii! How are you all?
Thank You everyone for the votes and comments on last chapter.
We are approaching towards the end and will very soon reach there!😕😕
Sanskar wake up with a start. He look groggily all around and notices that Swara is still driving.
Sanskar: You are still driving?
Swara: Finally!!
Sanskar: We reached Delhi?
Swara: Yes!
Sanskar: What is the time?
Swara: Six.
Sanskar: Six? And you have been driving?
Swara: Yes!
She says with a smile on her face. Sanskar asks her to stop the car which she does. They get out and brush their teeth and wash their faces. Sanskar take over the driving seat and asks her to take rest for a while. She lean down to the back seat. The sun is slowly coming out and there are some trucks at a distance.Sanskar look at Swara. Not having slept the whole night, with dark eyes and mess hair, the warm morning breeze and the sun pales in comparison. He drive on. Swara has dozed off and his mind wanders to the times he’ve spent with her. He see many couples around and he don’t know how much they love each other. But he know for sure that he love her the most in this whole world. She completes him. This journey has tied them with a strong thread of love. No matter where he go, what he do, she is always in his heart and mind. Anything he do or strive for is meaningless if he doesn't have her by his side.
Cheesy as it may sound, life without her is meaningless. The city is still sleeping when they get there. He drives straight to the house where Swara used to live. They reach there after 35 minutes. He see her still sleeping. She looks amazing. He pick her up in his arms and carry her to the room. Apart from seeing her sleeping, carrying her is an incredibly romantic thing to do. He tuck her inside the blanket and lue down next to her. Almost immediately he fall asleep. It was almost noon when he got up.Swara was not beside her which indicates that she got up too. Sanskar wash his face and walks to the kitchen wandering she might be there. Sanskar walks his face and goes to the kitchen.
Swara: You got up? Tea or coffee?
Sanskar: Coffee​!
Swara: It is ready! Take it.
Swara gives him the coffee​ mug.
Sanskar: By the way what work you had here?
Swara without answering hi
tries to go but he holds her hand.
Sanskar: Which work?
Swara tries to avoid eye contact.
Swara: No work. I just wanted to spend time with you only.
Sanskar leaves her hand.
Swara: Sanskar, your 30 days are getting over today.
Sanskar: I know. I have only 8 hours left for my 30days to get over.
She puts her hand on his and smiles. He smiles back. Sanskar owe everything to Swara. She kinds of put his life into prospective. He really don’t care what anyone thinks or says about. He truly care about is her. And now she too started caring him. She is now on path to forgive him. His true aim in life is not to be happy but is to see her everyday and to keep her happy.
Swara: Should we go out somewhere for dinner?
Sanskar: Sure.
He runs his fingers over his face.Swara puts her head on Sanskar’s shoulder. These little things are what make his life worth living.Somewhere in her heart swara have started accepting Sanskar back.
Swara wears a red saree. She leaves her hair open. She adds a light makeup.She wanted that moment to be special. As they reached a park, it was a very good setup there. Swara was lost in those magical moments.
Sanskar: You like it?
Swara: I love it?
Sanskar sled his hand into hers and tapped his wrist. Swara could no longer control her love.
Sanskar: I love you Swara. I really love you. Please don’t leave me.!
Aha!!! These words made her weaker. From the beginning which love she was controlling could no longer be hidden and came out in form of acceptance.
Swara: I love you too Sanskar.
Suddenly the clock stopped. The world freezed. Everyone vanished only a couple of souls were in their senses. The moon above was shinning brightly and the stars were sparkling. Swara hugged Sanskar as is she would never leave her.She had tears in her eyes.
Swara: I would’ve known you love me so much.
Sanskar kiss away a sole teardrop resting on her cheeks. A lone tear again rolls down her face. Tears usually don’t lie. They are the most honest form of expression. Sometimes you need a knock on your head to realize the right thing. Swara got a hard knock. Sanskar grabbed Swara by her waist. He slipped his hand through her saree. He placed his face very close to her. Swara breathed heavily. Just as he was about to kiss her, SWara remembered how he had ditched her previously. She pushed Sanskar. SANSKAR, she called softly. HE turned cupped her face saying I love you.

Her face flushed red

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Her face flushed red. She slid her arms around his neck. He leaned in and kissed her forehead. His lips were warm. It left an unbearable feeling. She looked into his eyes. They were the colour of emerald. Such mystery in them. She could not withstand the feeling. She kissed him passionately. It was magical. The moon light,the light breeze,the dancing peddles. it felt like a perfect moment. Their lips parted when she shouted NOOOOO!!
Sanskar: What happened Swara?
Swara: I love you Sanskar but I can never forgive you. Whenever you come close to me it makes me remembers your betrayal. I cannot live with fear when will you again betray me? I can neither live happily without you but nor I can live happily with you. I will always love you but…….. You were my sole reason to live but now Diya is my sole reason to live. Don’t take her away from me. Let her leave with me Swara’s voice trailed and was quivering when she was saying all those to Sanskar. Some seconds ago Sanskar had everything in his life and suddenly destiny pulled the rug beneath his leg. God snatched away his everything. He shouts at her,yells at her. HE grabs her shoulder.
Sanskar: When you had to leave me then why you accepted me? Why did you gave me hope?
Swara: Sanskar, it is hurting.
Sanskar: It should.
He leaves her and walks off.
Sometimes when you know that your happiness is like a sacrificial lamb for the happiness of the person you care about, you should realize that you are in love, the most incurable form of love. Sanskar walking along the road was still clung of her taught. Suddenly he hear a feminine voice shouting loudly-“LEAVE ME:. He stops. His heart asks him to go back but his mind does not allow. He again starts to walk. He then hears a voice-“SANSKAR”. This time even his mind says him to go back. He runs back to that place where he had left Swara. When he reached that place he saw some goons holding Swara. They were trying to use physical force on her. They were the same goons who once had attacked her. He angrily clung a fist and pounce him hard. He fights with all of them and almost defeats everyone. One of the goon try to stab Swara and Sanskar pushes her and takes her place. The goon stabs Sanskar instead. After seeing him injured, all the goons run away. Only two soul is left on that lone street. One dying soul and one shocked soul.

Precap: Suspense to be disclosed.!!

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Love You All Forever!😉
Good Night! 😴😴

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