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Hey guys! Hii! See as promised I am sacrifing my lovely sleep and publishing this! 😁😁😁 So I need some reward for this hard work? Right?

Lets come directly to the chapter!
Swara and Ragini reach Gadodia house. They hug their mother.Sumi senses something is wrong.She take them inside and ask them the reason of their sadness.
Sumi:Ragu, you say first what is your matter?
Ragini:Maa, I just said the truth.What wrong did I do? Laksh talked rudely with me and asked me to go away.
Sumi:Say me the whole thing.
Ragini says her everything.
Sumi:Ragu,relationship is a sacred thread.It is fully based on trust and co-ordination.Your marriage was based on love.It should be very stronger.Now say what is love?
Ragini gives a blank expression and stares at Swara who is resting her head on her mother’s lap and sobbing.

Now say what is love?Ragini gives a blank expression and stares at Swara who is resting her head on her mother’s lap and sobbing

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Swara:Why are staring me? Maa is asking you not me.
Sumi hits both of theirs head and says-Love is difficult to define.Love is much more than a risk.Love is giving someone the power to break your heart but trusting them not to do so. Laksh had faith on you.You know how much he loves Sanskar.After so many months his bhai was happy and you snatched away his brother’s happiness.His being angry is justified.You should try to understand him.
Ragini:What about my sister’s happiness?Doesn’t he care about it?
Sumi: He does. I am not saying you are wrong neither is he. It was the situation which you should have correctly dealt with.Now go back and he must be waiting for you.
Ragini:Maa,when he asked me to go away I was half dead.I thought it was our last meeting.But I promise you I won’t ever fight with him.
Sumi:Now shona your turn.
Swara:Maa,he cheated me again.
Sumi:Its not cheating. He only concealed the truth from you.Shona,when you were not here, I had seen his condition.His body was here but his soul was always searching for you.He loves you from the core of his heart. I know that you love him too. Shona, now you have became a mother, try to be responsible and mature.
Swara: I am scattered. I need time to gather myself.
Sumi: Don’t take decision for you only.Think about Sanskar and your daughter’s future.Some decision give pain at present but are good for future. I know you are scattered but you are not broken. Live life to the fullest.Yes! Sanskar did mistake.But you were staying with him intending to change him.But now when he need your support,you pulled your hands.Why? Only because of jealousy? That day just because he defended Shanaya,You left him.Shona jealousy is very precarious it in any relationship.
Swara: Yes maa I agree I was jealous. I decided to hate him. But I could not. Whenever I stared into his eyes my hatred vanished. I know how difficult it was for me to control my love. I want him to realize what love is.
Sumi: He have already realized it.You only need to hold his hands and always walk with him so that he never can lead to a wrong path.Every relation is based on trust. Many times we know in our heart what’s true and what’s not.But for some people,when the truth is finally spoken, it brings happiness into their lives and for some it is hard to digest the truth. When Ragini came to know that Laksh loves her,it was a happy truth for her. But when you came to know about Sanskar’s real intention it was a bitter truth for you. Both of you listen, the good things in life are better with the person whom we love.Now you both decide what you have to do. Mend your relations or loose without trying.
Swara: But maa he broke my trust. I can never trust him the same before I used to.

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