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Hey everyone! This is for all who love reading!

This is my first ever idea on fan fiction.. I wrote this at a time when I knew nothing about writing(I don't know even now too). I wrote this in 2015 and till now I haven't edited it. Hope to edit it soon. This book is very special for me as it holds lots of memories....

Hope everyone will like it.. Happy reading!☺

The scene starts of a small middle class family praying before the idol of Lord Krishna. The elderly lady gives Prasad to two girls of almost similar age. Then both the girl bend down to take her blessings 
Elderly lady: Shoru and lado.. God bless you my children.
Swara and Ragini takes the blessings from elders and head towards their college as it is their first day in college. They are so excited about first day in college. They are doing their post graduation in English. They reach their college and are searching for the notice board for their classroom details. There is crowd infront of the notice board. Meanwhile Sanskar and Laksh too enters the college.

Swaragini feels a cold breeze across their face but they ignore their feeling.

Swara: Ragini, you wait here. I will go inside and find out our details.
Ragini: go and come quickly!!

Sanskar asks laksh to wait outside. laksh stands behind ragini without noticing her. Suddenly wind blows and ragini's hair falls on laksh's face. She turns to say sorry. Laksh is mesmerized seeing Ragini(Yeah guys! This is love at first sight) Laksh can't take his eyes off ragini and continues to stare her. Ragini notices this and is uncomfortable but she smiles. They have an eye lock.

Meanwhile Swara comes from the crowd the same moment when sanskar comes. She trips and sanskar holds her but both fall down due to imbalance.  Sanskar tries to get up both both their chain get struck and sanskar again falls on swara and this time their lips gently touch each other and they have a soft kiss. Swara pushes Sanskar and starts scolding him. Sanskar argues with her as it was not his mistake and says he didin't did anything intentionally. Swara slaps him and goes from there.Sanskar fumes and says to himself that he will teach that girl a lesson. he follows her. Everyone enter their classes. Laksh and Ragini are happy that they are in same class but swara and sanskar fumes in anger. Sanskar says to himself that I have to find out her details. and he stalks her for two days. and finally he finds every details of swara. he smrinks and say I will give you the biggest punishment of your life. You will regret for messing up with sanskar maheswari. After some days when the classes are over Sanskar goes after swara and apologise to her.

Sanskar: I am sorry. but that day I didn't did any thing knowingly.
without noticing anything swara walks form there.

Same night in swragini room:

Swara thinks about Sanskar and their moments. She says to herself why am I thinking abot that boy continuously. She again think of his apology and says that I did wrong it was not his fault.Swara shares her problem with Ragini and ragini says her to say sorry to sanskar and she nods.
Sanlak room: Sanskar punches the wall and says just wait miss swara gadodia. this is just the beginning. you can't imagine what will I do with you.

Laksh stands near the window pane and think about Ragini's face and he smiles .
Ragini who is sleeping suddenly wakes up and and is unable to sleep and again. she dreams about laksh. She toss and turn on the bed but can't sleep. she takes a deep breath and switch off the light and sleep.

I know its too short but adjust with it! I promise longer updates from now onward!

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