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Hey guys! How are you all? Right now I can't say much because I am in my class. Just enjoy reading next part of this story.
Happy Reading
Swara sees someone at the end of the road. She shouts SANSKAR! She runs to him and hugs him. She feels protective in his arms.

The same man comes running from behind

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The same man comes running from behind. Seeing Swara with Sanskar the man went away.
Sanskar: Why you came alone? I told you not to come.
Swara(still hugging him): But I needed fresh air.
Sanskar: Now let’s go.
He sees her ankle is hurted and he holds her and helps her in walking. The reach their home and go to their room. Sanskar dresses Swara’s wound. They turn off the light and sleep. Suddenly Swara gets up screaming- Why you came back? Sanskar gets up and turn on the light. She holds his hand in fear.
Swara: Sanskar please let me hold your hand while sleeping. Seeing her so feared Sanskar is unable to say no. He nodes. While sleeping he sees her face and wonders why was he so tensed to see her in that state. It can’t be love….. he thinks and immediately his heart protest.
Tune tera dil kisi ko diya
Baat yeh sach hai gar tu maan le isse
Dil ka sukun tune hi kho diya
Ab haqeeqat hai yeh tu jaane le isse
Sanskar gets up and sees that Swara is still sleeping holding his hand. He feels like not disturbing her. Let her sleep. But she wakes up.She releases his hand. They both get ready and goes down for moring prayer. Sanskar stands beside Swara. Suddenly she falls unconscious in his arms. Doctor comes and after checking her he says that she is 2months Pregnant. Everyone is happy except Ragini and Sanskar. Sanskar recalls the night which he had spent on her terrace.Swara regains consciousness.
Ragini: Swara you are pregnant.
Swara is shocked to listen this. She stands silent.
Ragini: What will you do now? If Sanskar will not accept this child?
Swara: It is our child. He cannot denny this fact.
Ragini: If he tries to kill this child?
Swara: No! I am sure he will never do such things. But…
Ragini: But what?
Swara: Ragini, this child is a sign of betrayal. Whenever I will see it, it will make me remember how Sanskar betrayed me.
Ragini: Swara, I am saying you please go away from here.
Swara: No!!!!
Sanskar comes in the room and Ragini goes.
Swara: Do you believe that this chil is your?
Sanskar: Yes! I know this is my child.
Swara: Will you kill it?
Sanskar angrily grab Swara by her shoulder and Says how can I kill my child?

Swara: Will you kill it?Sanskar angrily grab Swara by her shoulder and Says how can I kill my child?

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He realizes that his grip is hurting her. He releases her.
Swara: You?? This is our child.
Sanskar: No! This is my child.
He saw tears brimming from her eyes and threatening to fall and his hands immediately went to her face to wipe it before those precious drops fall. Swara is happy to see his concern for her. She then intentionally stumbles but he holds her. Her eyes are clearly signaling that she wants his concern and care for her.
Sanskar: Be careful, now you are not alone. You are carrying a life within you.
He makes her sit on the bed. I am sending Ragini to help you.
Swara nodes.
Ragini comes and says What help do you want?
Swara: No help! Actually I wanted to talk with you.
Ragini: Hann say…
Swara: Sanskar loves this child.
Ragini: That love which he did with you?
Swara: No! He truly loves this child.
Ragini: So he love someone?? Interesting.
Swara: He is not that bad which you are thinking.
Ragini: Amazing you are defending that person who ditched you. I have a way in which we can punish him.
Swara: Punish?
Ragini: Yes! He truly loves this child nah?
Swara: Yes!
Ragini: You go away from his life. Separate him from his child. Let him realize how it fells when your loved ones betray you.
Swara: Noi cant’t do this. Though he has made a fool out of me , I can’t do this to him. I can’t disrespect my love. I wish I did not love him so that I could punish him. if I do the same thing as him, what’s the difference between my love and his betrayal?
Ragini: But swara. Let me explain you…
Swara: Some things in life are better left unexplained.
Ragini: But he is not accepting your love.
Swara: Not accepting is the first step towards love.
Ragini: I am speech less that my sister had became so intelligent.
Swara: Now go, Laksh must be waiting for you.
Laksh sees Ragini lost in thoughts . He shakes her. She comes back to her senses.
Ragini: hann..
Laksh: Where are you lost?
Ragini: No where! I am here.
Laksh: You are here but your mind is somewhere else.
Ragini: No!! Accha say what were you about to say?
Laksh holds her hands and says Don’t you think Ragini it is the perfect time to start our family?
Ragini pulls her hands and she remembers how Sanskar betrayed Swara.
Ragini: Won’t you ever betray me?
Laksh: What are you saying Ragini. You are my life. How can I betray my life?
Ragini hugs him.
Sanskar gives swara medicines and she refuses to take it. She does it knowingly to grab his concern for her.
Sanskar: Don’t behave like a child. eat it silently. It is good for your health.
Swara: Why do you care so much for me?
Sanskar: You are just my child’s mother. And this care is for my child not for you. ITS for my baby. You don’t matter to me.
Swara: How long can you be ignorant of my love? it seems like its been forever.
Precap: Swara slaps Sanskar
Love You All Forever😉

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