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Society told me that I was never going to be beautiful.

Society told me that I was wasting my time trying to get an education.

Society told me that I should change the way my hair looks.

Society told me I was too fat

Society told me I was too skinny.

Society told me I needed a thigh gap.

Society told me that I needed to wear less makeup.

Society told me that I needed to wear more makeup.

Society told me that I needed to have a 'Six Pack'.

Society told me to flaunt my body.

Society told me that I needed to change what I wear.

Society told me to fill the eyes of men with lust from my curves.

Society told me to fill the eyes of women with lust from abs.

Society told me to hide my feelings.

Society told me to express my opinions.

Society told me that I needed the approval of a man.

Society told me that I was disgusting.

Society told me I needed to lose weight.

The sad thing is when we see what society tells us to do or what to become we try and do it, or our minds twist the image. As soon as we do what society says it instantly has another response.

You were trying way to hard.

You were cheating there is no way that you could get that high of a score.

You were so beautiful why did you change your hair it looks ugly now.

You will never be skinny enough, you'll always be fat.

Your so skinny its disgusting, all I can see is bone.

Your thigh gap isn't big enough

Your makeup looks like a clown.

You tried? Your face doesn't show that you tried.

Your body will never be as good as those in the magazines.

Stop showing off your body, you're a player.

You're going to be mistaken for 'wanting it' if you wear those clothes.

You're weak and pathetic because your crying over something stupid.

You're over exaggerating about this.

Remember how gross you were back in middle school?

Why are you eating so healthy? Are you trying to get rid of the extra fat.

Society's opinions are plastered all over the place, and is expressed through everyone. Everyone is beautiful in their own unique way don't let anyone kill your spark, after all you were meant to start a beautiful fire.

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