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Troy's POV:

"Jeff is calling the hetero-enforcement. I know you're against the whole system too. Just- I don't have time to explain. Go save Anna. Hurry," Selena whispered in my ear. Her voice was rapidly speaking. Like she was running out of time.

I shook my head and I ran out the door. She was right. I was totally against the whole brainwashing idea. Selena had understood me on a whole new level. She was a different person. She had this spacious mind. It's hard to explain.

It's like her mind is full of different beauties. She has all these galaxies in her mind. Different views, perspectives, and art. She seems so foreign. She seems like she's from a world we never had. The world where everyone is equal and everyone matters.

It doesn't exist nor has it ever. Sure, there will always be a group of people or a short instance where everyone is united. Where they have the same opinion. But sooner or later, everyone falls under someone else's power. The only way is to resist against that evil power, but are people really brave enough to do so? That's where it all starts.

I was running to Anna's house as fast as I could. It seemed like Selena really cared about her. On the way there, I saw the hetero-enforcement truck driving to the way I came from. Maybe there was someone else they were taking care of. That meant I still had some time to save Anna.

I ran much faster. The citizens in the middle of the sidewalks were stumbled over by me. I apologized as I was still running, never stopping. I had reached Anna's house. I was out of breath. I took a second to catch it.

I pounded on Anna's door. It took her a few seconds before she opened the door and answered with, "Hey Troy. What's up?"

I paused. She was calm and in her pajamas. Ignoring everything I spit out, "We need to get you safe somewhere," I grabbed her by the arm and she refused. She pulled her arm away from me.

"Troy what the hell are you doing? I'm not going anywhere."

"The hetero-enforcement are coming for you! Do you want to be brainwashed? C'mon Anna. I know you don't want that, so I'm trying to help you before they get here, but you have to come with-"

"Troy...where did you hear this?"

"Selena said they were-"


"C'mon Anna you don't have much time, they'll be here any se-"


"Anna. We. Have. To. Go. Now."

"Troy you're not listening."

"No you're not lis-"

"Selena is the one getting brainwashed!" Anna yelled. I stood there for a second. I didn't say anything for moment.

"What? But she told me..." I thought for a second and spoke, "I have to go Anna."

I quickly started running. I saw this bike and I took it. I got on it and I started to pedal as hard as I could. I was shaky at first, but I got it. I sped up as fast as I could to Selena's house. I got in her driveway, but it was too late. One of the men had her over his shoulder and was walking her into the truck.

She was knocked out, her skin was really pale, and they treated her as if she was trash. Her dad had stood outside, talking to a man probably about Selena. After they finished, her dad went inside, slamming the door behind him. The man went inside the truck and they drove away.

I was pouring down tears. I couldn't save her in time. It all made sense. Most of the questions in my head were answered. She told me Anna had to be saved. She told me that to distract me. To prevent me from having to watch it all.

But there were still questions in my head. For example, why didn't she tell me she liked girls or she had these feelings? What did she mean by save Anna? Why didn't she let me help her? Now she's all gone. What does she want me to do now? Restart? Pretend like I didn't know anything?

I want to do more to help her. This is all bullshit. She should've talked to me if she knew I felt the same way about this stuff the way she did. I just needed answers. I want Jeff to pay for this, because I know Selena didn't want this to happen to her, because I saw the fear in her eyes when she told me to save Anna.

In that moment, I promised myself to find out how to get back Selena and all the people affected. I went back home. I left the bike and just walked. When I arrived home, I grabbed a pen and a notebook. I sat down in my bed and started to jot down names of people I want to talk to. The list consisted of the following people:


Selena's dad

Anna's mom

Roy (Selena's ex-boyfriend)


____________________________________I have not mentioned Roy, nor has he been mentioned before, but Selena does tell Troy about him, and he will be introduced a few chapters later. You will also see a lot of things being revealed in the future that we're not mentioned at the beginning. Hope you enjoyed, make sure to vote, and also feel free to leave any comments/suggestions. I love you all.

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