Hey Guys, I'm Home

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Konoha's gates looked different, hitting me harder with a feeling of 'you left us and now we've conformed.' I stared up at it, frowning as I tried to figure out what was different.



The spirals.

The spirals.

No. Way

"Naruto!" I ran up the gates, mumbling a "Hey guys" to Izumo and Kotetsu as I passed, earning sleepy waves in return.

Over the gates, down the other side, through the village front, up an apartment wall, on the roof and over several others from there until the house came into view. I didn't notice the grin spreading on my face until I was at the front door and face to face with the stained glass over the brass knocker.

I raised a hand to grab it, feeling the cold surface. It wasn't used as often as the doorknob; it was unblemished, bright and shiny, while the doorknob was worn, darkening where fingers rubbed against it all the time.

Raising it slightly, I hit the thingy under it a few times and let go, my hands automatically going to each other to play with the fingers on the other one in a nervous display.

I couldn't help but giggle quietly. This was my house. Why was I so fidgety?


Oh. Right. That's why.

The door swung open suddenly, and I froze as the blue eyes stared back at me in clear shock.

"Kuroi...chan?" The voice, depending than I remembered, asked, sounding choked up. I managed a lopsided smile, practically grimacing.

"H-Hi." I managed to reply, then there was silence, during which we just stared at each other, taking in the differences.

"Did you get taller?" We asked at the same time, then stared some more before we burst out in giggles.

"I- I missed you, Na-"

I was cut off by being pulled by the hand into a crushing hug. He sniffled into my dress' collar.

"Don't tell Teme I cried." He mumbled through sobs. I hugged him back, squeezing tight.

"No promises."

He laughed, before letting me go.

"I missed you." He said, and I smiled sadly.

"Missed you too." I replied shortly. He grinned at me, eyes still watery, before pulling me into the house and closing the door behind us with his foot. It was a smooth, practiced movement, and I noticed the paint fading slightly in the exact spot he'd kicked it; clearly he did it often. I frowned slightly. Yet another thing I'd missed while away.

"Sasuke's on a mission with Sakura-chan,  they'll be back soon." He said, taking me to the living room. My picture was in the middle of the shelf above the fireplace, and I looked away, suddenly both embarrassed and annoyed with myself.

"You didn't go with them?" I asked, and he stopped suddenly, scratching the back of his head nervously.

"Uh, they kinda forced me to stay cause they think I've been overworking?" He mumbled, making me narrow my eyes at him.

"Have you been?" I accused, and he turned away, clearing his throat.

"Aaaanyway, uh, they'll be home at 6. Hopefully with pudding, Akira's been grouchy. " he rambled on, and I grinned, rolling my eyes. Then I blinked.

"Oh! Oh yeah! Where is he?" I asked, and Naruto scrunched his nose.

"He's been locked on his room doing some experiment for the past two days." He replied, and I facepalmed.

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