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So today is the day that we meet the cast for the first time and I'm super excited. We decided to just decide to go out for some lunch nothing spectacular. I curled my hair and went to see if Brylie was ready because I was driving us to Chick-fil-A.

"Bry Bry are you ready yet?" I yelled from downstairs.

"Give me a minute!" She yelled back. She came down with her hair in a pony tail. "Okay let's go. Bye, Dad! Bye, Mom!" She yelled and started walking towards the front door.

I grabbed my camera and headed to the car. "Hey, guys welcome to days vlog and today we are going to meet up with the cast of Girl Meets World. Brylie are you excited?" I asked shoving the camera in her face.

"What?" She looked up and saw the camera and sighed "yeah I guess it is cool." She said getting into the car and going on her phone.

"Oh someone's moody. Well, can't vlog and drive so I'll talk to you guys when we get there." I turned off the camera and started to drive towards Chick-fil-A.

When we walked in we immediately seen some paparazzi.

"Why are they here?" Brylie asked holding on to my arm.

"The cast must be in there or something," I told her the pap turned to us and started yelling at us.

"Aren't you that one girl on youtube?" One asked taking pictures.

"Are you here to meet with the cast of Girl Meets World?" Another one asked they were shoving most of the cameras in Brylie' face. Soon enough a big broad security guard came and escorted me and Brylie in the restaurant.

"Hey looks like you guys were stuck back there." A tall tan green eyed boy asked. Might I say he was everything and more.

"Yeah but you guys are okay?" A blonde girl asked.

"Yeah, this one over here was holding on for dear life. But hi I'm Camila and this is my little sister Camila. I'm guessing you guys are the cast?" I asked and they nodded.

"Hi I'm Rowan, that's Sabrina and that's Peyton. Over there sitting at the table is Corey, Ceci, and Amir. Those kids over there is Auggie and Ava." The brunette Rowan said smiling.

"Hey, guys do you mind if I vlog. I kinda do youtube." I asked I heard Brylie mumbling something but I couldn't quite make out what she said.

"Yeah go ahead. Time for me to make my debut on youtube." Peyton said winking at me which made me giggle a bit. I pulled out my camera and pressed record.

"Hey, guys were finally in Chick-fil-A with some amazing people." I flipped the camera towards the cast. I finally turned off the camera after about 10minutes. And we sat down at a table to chat.

Sabrina sat next to Peyton and cuddled into him and he put his arm around her.

After we all ate we all exchanged numbers with each other because everyone had places to be. Before we left I pulled out my camera.

"I'm going to miss these beautiful people," I said over dramatically and Brylie rolled her eyes.

"You'll see them in about 2 weeks calm your self." She said and we all laughed. Everyone left and I and Bry headed to the car and I was still filming luckily all the paps followed the cast and left us alone.

"Did you have fun Bry?" I asked with the camera back in her face.

"I would have enjoyed it more if you didn't pull out the camera every 2 seconds." She snapped and got into the car.

"It's probably just tween hormones. But I had fun and can't wait until I hang out with them again. Hopefully sooner than 2 weeks.

When we got home Brylie marched up to her room. I really don't know her deal. But I decided to text my best friend Maddie about my day and the awkwardness with Sabrina, Peyton and I.


Me: hey madz. You busy😊

Madz🙉: hey cami what's up? 😃

Me: Well you know how I and Brylie had to meet with the cast of gmw?😅

Madz🙉: yeah why what happened. Did you embarrass yourself or make a bad impression 😨

Me: no of course not. But Peyton Meyer, total hottie😍 was flirting with me. Giving me winks😉 every time I made a joke. But he also had Sabrina Carpenter on his arm and every time I would giggle at something he said. I'd get death glares😠. Madz I'm telling you if looks could kill🔪. That be murder🔪💣🔫.

Madz🙉: omg cam😱i. Don't get on Sabrina's bad side. I'm telling you her fan base would tear you to shreads😵. But maybe he was just being friendly😅. Sorry to break it to you.😯

Me: wow what a great confidence boost😧
Me: but... yeah maybe you're right. I am over thinking this 😔

Madz🙉: that's why you need me.😎 But I gtg🏃💨 ttyl love 💝xo

Me: bye Maddie ttyl💝 xo

What if she's right, maybe it was just his way of welcoming the new girls. Maybe he was just being friendly. Oh, who am I kidding why would Peyton Freaking Meyer like me anyway. When he has Sabrina Carpenter.

Hope you enjoyed this part! Please vote! :)

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