Fall Apart

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"Come on Camz its been 2 weeks since your argument. Just talk to her." Rowan begged

"Why do I have to go to her?  Why doesn't she come to me? It's not like I turned my back on her to go with the enemy. She's been hanging out with Peyton and her friends are always over She seems to be having the time of her life without me." I said biting into my apple.

"Yeah, but she has also been talking to us. Her friends call your mom and dad and ask them. They don't want to see her, they come to see you. But now you're never home so they stopped." Sabrina said

"What are you talking about I'm always home," I said 

"You've been coming here after work every day You turned their office into a filming area," Corey said,

"You guys really need to talk to each other before you guys really fall apart," Rowan said but there all of our phones went off


Co-Star: SOS, Brylie was searching something o google, I saw her search history and it was filled with things like suicide quotes, how to stop feeling suicidal. you guys need to get to my house quick.

"See this is what happens she feels suicidal!" Rowan said rushing to grabbed jacket and put her shoes on and everyone doing the same.

"This possibly couldn't be my fault, right?" I said in a worried tone.

"Actually you have a part into play," Corey said as we got into the car but I see Sabrina she has the car keys

"Oh no, you're not driving hand over the keys." She sighed and handed them to me but Corey snatched it right out of my hand. I ran over to the passenger side and we headed to a very secluded part California. 

"Corey what did you mean I have a part to play?" I asked him and Sabrina quickly looked out the window

"Ima let Brylie tell you that I have a feeling that she'll tell you and everyone very soon."

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