Chapter Two

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Chapter Two : I Don't Care

~ Laurin's P.O.V~

" Funny joke " I said.

I looked and saw his face was serious.

" Wait what? Seriously? " I asked.
" Yes seriously " He replied.

He walked over and sat down next to me. I looked down and avoided his gaze.

" Maybe if you'd breath, you'd realize " He whispered in my ear.

How did he know? I wasn't breathing cause the stench of wolf was disgusting. I can go without breathing, so I would rather not smell wolf thank you.

" Try it " He whispered.

I took a breath in and although I did smell wolf, I also smelt something amazing. It was blood. I'm not a wolf so I don't smell sents, but I can smell blood, and his blood smelt intoxicating. I looked over at him and no doubt my eyes were bright red.

" You realize I'm a wolf slayer and a vampire right? " I asked.

His eyes turned gold, no doubt he was fighting with his wolf.

" I don't care " Two voices said.

Him and his wolf.

" You probably should " I said.
" Don't care " They repeated.
" What about my friends? " I asked.
" I can't let them go and I can't let them out " They replied.
" So your going to keep them in cells " I whispered.
" I have to " They said.
" And yet not me " I stated
" We can't do that, you're ours " They explained.
" I'm no ones " I said angrily.

I was suddenly pulled up and pushed against a wall and was silenced by him KISSING ME! That wolf boy was kissing me. My mind and body were now wanted two different things. My body wanted him to keep kissing me but my mind wanted to push him away and finish my mission. In the end my body won. I kissed him back as sparks flew throughout my body. After a few minutes my mind snapped back to reality. I pushed him away and ran for the door. I turned the knob and saw the idiot didn't even lock it. Smart move. I used my powers and locked the door and then I ran downstairs and followed my friends blood sent, the smell of death. I ran and saw them all in a cell. I went behind the only guard and knocked him out.

" Why do they only have one guard? " I whispered.

I ran over to my friends and unlocked the cell.

" Knew you wouldn't leave us " Nick said.
" How could I " I smiled.
" Let's go " Abigail laughed.
" First mission failed " Darrick noted.
" Not failing this one " I smirked.
" We just need more time " Nick replied.
" Yeah " Abigail agreed
" But your not getting it " A voice from behind us said.

We all turned to see the Alpha and a whole lot of guards.

Just great.

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