Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen : Let's Go Home

~ Laurin's P.O.V~ 

As I reached the castle I was stopped by a guard.

" You can not pass " He said.
" I'm a member of the King's Wolf Slayers. I need to speak with the King " I spoke.
" Follow me " The guard replied as he nodded his head.

He took me into the castle and lead me up to the King's meeting room. I walked in and the guard left.

" Ah Laurin. To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you again? " He asked with a smirk on his face.
" Oh you know why " I said.

I used my speed and ran over to the King. I grabbed his head but he punched me back.

" You won't win " He said.
" You may have won the fights, but I'll win the war " I smirked.

We both charged at each other and kept fighting. Punch, kick, push, hit. We both kept doing random fighting techniques. Suddenly he managed to grabbed my head.

" Any last words? " He asked as he pinned me to the table.
" I won't let him die in vane " I said.

Shock was all I saw in his eyes. I quickly flipped us and I grabbed his head, killing him in mid air.

I had done it.

I had killed the King.

Loud yells and screaming was what followed. Everyone could feel the loss of their King. Guards burst into the room and grabbed me before I could make a move. I thrashed around but it was no use. They brought me into the prison and threw me into a cell.

" Your trial will be in a day " One guard hissed.

It was Vampire law that if you committed a crime, you must have a fair trial. I knew it was pointless, I had gone on a suicide mission and wasn't coming back alive.

" I'm sorry Alex " I whispered before darkness consumed me

~ Alexander's P.O.V~

" So I'm sorry but I have a mission to complete"

Before anyone could even talk, Laurin was gone.

" NO! " Her friends yelled.

We all got up and ran as fast as we could after her.

But it was too late

I dropped to my knees and let out a painful howl. I heard the pack run up behind me, but I didn't pay attention. A hand went on my shoulder and I looked to see Nick

" We'll get her back " He promised.
" Were is she going?! " One of my pack members yelled.
" To kill the King " Nick said emotionlessly.

A few gasps were heard along with whispers.

" We're getting her back " I growled.


" Let's go " I said.

The plan was for my pack warriors to surround the castle then me, Nick, and Abigail would sneak in and try to get Laurin out.

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