100k Bonus Chapter

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I want to thank everyone who read and enjoyed this book. That you guys for the reads, votes, comments and support. I love each and everyone one of you and I can't believe this book had gotten to 100k views. Thank you guys so much❤️

Please note this is not edited.

Now enjoy cause this bonus chapter......cause is gonna be fun.

Bonus Chapter : Hybrids

Riker's P.O.V

This family is weird.

Minus the fact that my older sister Rachel is a full werewolf while I'm half werewolf and half vampire, and excluding the story of how my parents met, this family is weird.

" But I want to go to Disneyland! " My uncle Nick screamed like a toddler.
" But I want to go to Sea World! " His daughter Ellie screamed back.
" Why don't you both just go to a six flags? " My sister Rachel suggested.
" We don't like six flags " The screamed back at her before continuing their pointless bickering.

I rolled my eyes before stepping outside. Those two were giving me and headache and it didn't help that my uncle Ryder was laughing at the whole thing.

" Lord help them all " I mumbled as I walked into the forest, trying to get some piece and quiet.

I had just recently turned eighteen. My sister Rachel was nineteen while Nick and Faiths kid Ellie was fifteen, turning sixteen in a few weeks.

Rachel was the only one who had found their mate. Rachel had met Matt when she turned seventeen. I hate the guy. He's always so stuck up. Even though he's just a simple pack member, he acts as if he's all high and mighty like an Alpha, even though he's not Alpha until my dad steps down. He doesn't even deserve the title. He only gets it because he's Rachel's mate. He's a loser if you ask me but my sister would slap me if I ever said that out loud.

I found my little spot in the forest and sat down on a rock next to the water. I found this spot when I was seven and it's been my own little personal heaven since then. The only one who knows about this spot is my mom.

I've always been closer to my mom then my dad. Rachel would say the opposite. It's probably because Rachel is a full werewolf like our father while I'm a hybrid. My mom helps with all the things I need to know about being half vampire. I can learn all about the werewolf stuff here in the pack, but my moms the only one who can help with the vampire stuff.
I could go to her friends for help, but it's not really the same. It's kind of awkward.

" Alone? "

I turned around and saw no one. I used my senses and didn't detect anyone here either.

Maybe I'm going crazy?

" Oh right. You can't see me " The voice laughed.
" Who's there? " I asked as I stood up and looked around.
" Up here " The voice answered.

I looked up and saw a girl standing on the branch of a nearby tree. She gracefully jumped down and made her way over to me.

" Hello " She said with a smile.
" Hi " I replied, smiling as well.

I knew she was the one. Both my vampire and werewolf side was going crazy. She smelt like roses and rain.

Her long blue hair was tied back into a braid, her bright hazel eyes seemed to sparkle, and she looked utterly confused as she looked at me.

" What are you? " She asked.
" Hybrid " I answered.
" Between what? " She questioned more specifically.
" Vampire and werewolf " I replied honestly.
" Cool " She smiled as she sat down.

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