Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen : But I Have A Mission To Complete

~ Laurin's P.O.V~

I wouldn't be wearing a dress like everyone else, no. I would be wearing a outfit I could fight in.


" We are gathered her on this morning, to celebrate the life of Darrick Jones William "

I tried to not cry. I promised myself I wouldn't cry, but it was impossible. I couldn't stop the river of tears that fell from my eyes as the funeral guy said his long speech about Darrick. I had lost my best friend, practically my brother.

" And now I would like to invite Darrick's best friends Nickolas, Abigail and Laurin to say a few words "

I looked at Nick, who also had tears going down his face. He turned to me and gave me a sad smile, then walked up to the microphone.

" Darrick was practically my brother. He was there for me through everything and we were inseparable. He may have made mistakes in his life, but who hasn't. I know I would give anything to see him alive again......even just for a moment " Nick said.

He whipped a tear from his eye and walked back to his seat. Abigail, who was holding my hand, squeezed it and then walked up to the microphone.

" I agreed with Nick. Darrick was practically my brother as well. He helped me get over everything I had going wrong in my life and he helped create good moments. He was always there for me, for all of us. And I just can't believe he's gone. Yet I know, he will always be remembered " She spoke.

She walked back to her seat and Ryder pulled her into a hug.

My turn.

I walked up to the microphone with tears still in my eyes.

" Darrick was like a brother to all of us, we can all agree on that. He was a part of my family. I couldn't imagine the pain he's been through, everything he's been through. Even though he was in pain, he was there for us. He was the one to helped us when we were sad, mad, tired, unhappy and he was the one to make us laugh. The one who made the sad days a whole lot better. He may have died, but I won't let him die for nothing. So I'm sorry but I have a mission to complete "

With that, I ran out of the building as fast as I could. I used my speed and ran all the way to my destination.

The King's castle.

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