Chapter Three

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Chapter Three : Thanks

~ Alexander's P.O.V~

Me and my wolf growled as my mate pushed us away. She used her speed and ran out of the room. Then she closed the door. I didn't lock the stupid door!

" Smart move dumbo " My wolf laughed.
" SHUT UP " I yelled.
" Let's just go get mate " My wolf growled.

I ran and tried to open the door, but it was locked.....from the outside.

" WHAT THE HELL?! " I screamed.

" Ryder, I need you to come to my room and unlock the STUPID DOOR " I yelled though our mind link.
" Yes Alpha " He snickered.
" You're lucky your my best friend or I would rip your head off " I said threateningly.

A few moments later the door flew open.

" They're in the cellars " I said as I ran out of the room.

My guards came with us and we all ran to the cellars.

" Knew you wouldn't leave us " The boy Nick said
" How could I? " My mate replied.
" Let's go " The girl, Abigail, laughed.
" First mission failed " The boy, Darrick, spoke.
" Not failing this one " My mate replied.

They were still planning on killing us! I thought my mate would have stopped them but yet again she's a vampire and doesn't feel the mate bond like I do. My wolf whinnied at that thought.

" Don't worry " I said to him.

He didn't reply and just kept whining about his mate.

" We just need more time " The boy, Nick, said.
" Yeah " Abigail agreed.
" But your not getting it " I growled as me and my guards came into their view.

My mate and her friends looked shocked.

" Should have used stronger magic " My mate mumbled.
" Magic! " Me and my guards yelled.
" Frick " My mate said.
" Let us go and we'll be on our way " Nick said.
" No " I growled.
" And why's that? " Nick asked.
" Cause " I growled back.
" UGH! I'M DONE WITH THIS " My mate yelled.

Suddenly she grabbed her friends hands and stomped her foot on the ground. Everything came to a stop.

Including my vision.

~ Laurin's P.O.V~

Everyone froze and I let go of my friends hands.

" NICE! " Abigail yelled.
" That was awesome " Nick said.
" More like amazing " Darrick smiled.

I did a little bow and we all laughed.

" We only have five minutes, so let's go " I said.
" Bring Mr.Alpha with us. We still have a mission " Nick stated.

After he said that I felt my heart drop. I did want to finish the mission but when I thought about it, it killed me that he could be killed. I shouldn't care but for some reason I did. Stupid mate bond.

" Let's go " I agreed.

We walked over and grabbed the Alpha. It took all of us to pick him up and run outside. We all used our speed and ran into the forest and far away from his pack.

" We should be good " Nick said as we came to a spot in the forest.

We all stoped running and looked around quickly.

" Shouldn't be able to mind link from here " Darrick said.
" Let's hope " Abigail agreed.
" Wolvesbane! " Nick smirked as he grabbed a needle he had hidden and injected wolvesbane into the Alpha.
" Can't shift now " Abigail laughed.

Suddenly everything came back into motion. The Alpha fell over and quickly looked at us. He growled but then stopped. He probably noticed he couldn't mind link or talk to his wolf.

" Look who's tough now " Nick said.
" Let's kill him and go. We should be back by now " Abigail smirked.
" Yeah, lets get it over with " Darrick agreed.

Nick ran and quickly came back with a silver knife. He walked over to the Alpha and held it to his throat.

" Any last words? " Nick asked.

The Alpha's eyes looked at me. Nick slowly pressed the blade on his neck and the Alpha let out a whine.

" Stop! " I said.
" What? " Nick asked confused as he pulled the knife away.
" Stop, lets just go " I replied.
" We need to at least kill him! What would the King think? " Nick fought.
" Please " I pleaded.
" WHAT?! " Abigail said shocked.
" She just said please! " Darrick gasped.
" Fine, it has to be important if you said please. I mean like, you have NEVER said that " Nick shrugged.

He pushed the Alpha on the ground and we ran.


" I'm not going with you guys " I said as we approached the car.
" What? " They all asked.
" You have to trust me " I replied.
" We do " Abigail said sadly.
" Ok " Nick and Darrick agreed, sad as well.
" This is goodbye for now then " I sighed.
" We'll miss you " Abigail cried as she hugged me.
" We really will " Nick and Darrick said as they hugged me too.

I pulled away and gave them my weapons except for one of my handguns. They all got in the car and waved our final goodbyes.

" Bye " I said.
" Bye " They repeated as they drove off.

I ran back into the woods but was suddenly tackled to the ground. I looked up.

" Thought you'd never leave them " He smirked.
" What do you want Abe?! " I yelled.
" You princess " He replied.
" Screw off and die " I hissed.
" Well I'm all ready dead " He said with a smirk.
" Ha ha nice vampire joke " I said sarcastically

Abe was suddenly pulled off of me. I sat up and looked. I saw a huge black wolf rip Abe's head off, killing him. The wolf looked back at me.

" Thanks " I muttered, knowing who it was.

A few more wolves appeared and they growled at me. The black wolf stood in front of me protectively and growled back. The wolves all stoped and stared at me. Then the wolves all left and I looked the black one. He lied down and rested his head on my leg.

" I'm fine " I said as I noticed him looking at the rip in my leggings.

The wolf got up and walked behind a tree. I looked away and heard bones cracking. A few moment later the Alpha came out wearing a pair of shorts.

" Hey " He smiled.
" Hi " I replied.
" Thanks for back there " He said.
" Thanks for getting rid of Abe " I smiled.

He growled and picked me up. Suddenly black dots clouded my vision and everything went black.

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