Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven : Fight

~ Laurin's P.O.V~  

I woke up and saw Alex sleeping beside me. I slowly got out of bed and changed into some shorts and a tank top. I had seen a little work out room in the house and I planned on using it today.

I walked downstairs and into the work out room. Let the work out begin.






I kept throwing a combination of moves at the punching bag. So far I had been in here for two hours.

" Chill or your going to break the bag " I heard someone say jokingly.

I turned around and saw Nick standing in the doorway.

" How long have you been there? " I asked.
" Not too long " He obviously lied.
" You're a bad liar. " I said.
" You're the only one who can tell when I lie! " He exclaimed.
" Well that's a good thing " I smirked.
" Ha ha ha " He said sarcastically.
" So how's your mate? " I asked.
" Good. She's still sleeping though " He answered.
" Yeah, mine is sleeping too " I said.
" Fight me " Nick said suddenly.
" What? " I asked.
" You're killing the punching bag, so fight me " He repeated.
" You realize what happened last time we fought." I asked.
" Oh well, we would have healed in a few hours anyways " He smiled.
" Then let's do it " I smirked.

We both walked downstairs and outside. We headed to a huge field so we wouldn't hurt anyone.

" Let's do this " I said.
" Let's " Nick agreed.

We shook hands a then began fighting.

Nick was the first to attack. He ran at me but I moved out of the way and tried pushed him down, but he quickly turned and grabbed my foot. He flipped me but I put my legs around his neck and flipped him down with me. We both fell to the ground. As soon as we landed I punched him. Nick grabbed my hands and threw me off him. I landed on my back but quickly sprung up.

And we kept fighting.


I looked at the unconscious Nick and smirked. He thought he could beat me and I proved him wrong.

I quickly used my speed and ran back to the house. I grabbed a huge bucket and filled it with freezing water. I ran back and stopped in front of Nick. I smiled and poured the water all over him. He instantly shot up and looked around. When he noticed me he glared at me.

" Wake up " I said with a smirk.
" GUYS! " Someone yelled.

We both turned to see Abigail, Darrick, Alex and Faith running towards us. They stopped in front of us and gasped. I looked and saw we were both covered in mud and had multiple cuts.

" We wanted to fight and make up for our last one " Nick shrugged.
" The one where you both almost ended up in the hospital! " Darrick yelled.
" We would have healed with in a few hours " I said.
" That's beyond the point! " Abigail yelled.
" Well whatever, we're both fine " Nick shrugged.
" Other than the mud and cuts " Faith and Alex mumbled.
" They'll heal and we'll take showers " Nick smiled.
" Ugh " Faith and Alex mumbled.

Alex walked over to me and put his arm around me. I looked and saw Faith did the same to Nick. We all walked back to the house. Me an Alex went back up to our room, Faith and Nick to theirs and Abigail and Darrick went and talked to a few pack members.

" I don't want you fighting him anymore " Alex said as we walked into his room.
" It was just a fight " I replied.
" You could have ended up getting hurt again! " He yelled.
" Dude, Wolf Slayer remember! I've been in a lot worse than that! " I yelled back.

Alex looked down and sat on the bed, and then the reality of what I said came.

" I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry " I said.

I walked over and sat beside him. I put my arm around him and pulled him closer. He turned to face me and put his head in the crook of my neck. I knew he was trying to calm his wolf down.

" I'm sorry " I kept whispering.

After a few moments Alex pulled back and looked at me.

" It's not your fault " Alex said.
" But it is, I shouldn't have sa---"

Then I was cut off by him kissing me. I was quick to kiss him back. Sparks flew through my body. I put my arm around Alex's neck while his hands were around my waist.

We eventually pulled away.

" I love you " Alex spoke.
" I love you too " I said back.

We both smiled at each other but then there was a knock at the door.

" Yeah? " Alex called out.

I looked as a familiar person opened the door.

" What is it Ryder? " Alex asked.
" Actually I came to ask your mate something " He said.
" What? " I asked.
" How old is your friend? The other girl " He asked.
" Abigail, she's seventeen " I answered.
" That's why " Ryder mumbled.
" That's why what? " Me and Alex asked.
" I think she's my mate " He said quietly.
" Why didn't you say something when she first came here? " Alex asked.
" Cause I couldn't smell it. All I smelt was wolf and vampire, but I smell it now " He answered.
" Her birthdays in a few days " I said hopefully.
" How many? " He asked.
" What's today? " I asked.
" The seventh " He said.
" Tomorrow then " I replied.
" I guess I'll find out then " He sighed.
" Hope she is dude " Alex said.
" Me too " I added.
" Ok well see you tomorrow " Ryder smiled.
" Bye " Me an Alex said.

Ryder left and me and Alex decided to sleep. I took a quick shower and he had fallen asleep right away. I tried to sleep but I couldn't. I moved closer to him and put my head on his chest. Then I slowly fell asleep listening to the sounds of my mates heartbeat

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