Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve : Memories

~ Unknowns P.O.V~

" Are we ready? " Someone asked.
" Yes " I answered confidently.
" Is there going to be war? " Someone else asked.
" No. They may think they can fight but I know one has to die. One of their fates was sealed a long time ago " I said with a smirk.

~ Laurin's P.O.V~

" Darrick are you sure you're ok? " I asked as I approached him.
" I'm fine and I just wanted to let you know that you're an amazing person Laurin. You're smart, brave, strong and so much more. You'll make an amazing Luna for this pack. Do me and favour and never leave your mate " He said.
" Thanks and don't worry, I won't " I replied.
" Good " Was all he said before walking off towards Nick.

I watched him walk off. What was going on with him? I knew I needed to find out but my main problem was that the King was coming in a few hours.

" Laurin " Abigail yelled as she ran to me.
" Yeah? " I asked.
" We need to feed " She said.
" Let's go " I replied sadly.

I knew we needed to be at our best, which meant we needed to drink human blood.

We ran over to Nick and Darrick. We all then went into a human town and went near a bar. Abigail walked towards a drunk man and started talking to him. After a few minutes they walked over to us. Abigail quickly killed him and then looked at me.

" You take him. I know you won't kill someone" She said.
" Thanks " I smiled.
" No problem " She replied.

I took the man and drank his blood. When I was done I threw the body in a dumpster. Every one of my senses was now better and I was a lot stronger. I walked back over to my friends and found them waiting for me.

" Let's get back, it's almost eight " Nick said.

We ran as fast as we could back. I honestly felt like crying now. I didn't want anyone to get hurt or die because of me and my squad. I wouldn't be able to take it. As soon as we arrived we found Alex, Faith and Ryder waiting. I walked over to Alex and gave him a hug.

" I love you " I said.
" I love you too, and I always will " He said to me.

We turned back to everyone and I looked around. I now realized something. This was my family, this was where I was meant to be.

" We can do this " Alex smiled.
" Together " I agreed.


We all stood at the edge of the forest. I used my vision and saw the King, Elijah and a few more of the King's followers were only a few miles away.

" You guys are my family. So thank you " Darrick spoke.
" Agreed " Nick said.
" I mean it " Darrick mumbled.

Then they were here. The King and his members walked out of the woods and faced us.

" What do we have here? " The King said with a smirk.
" People willing to fight " I said.
" Well there is no need for that " He laughed.
" We are not here to fight. Just for justice " Elijah smirked.
" Killing four vampires will do nothing " Nick hissed.
" Not four. One " The King said.
" Who? " Abigail asked.
" I should let him explain " He replied.

I looked at Nick but I saw him looking at Darrick. Which means......

" Darrick? " I asked.
" You guys should know now " Darrick said.
" Know what!? " Nick yelled.
" I've lied. There was no point in my finding my mate....because I already did. She was a vampire. One day I had lost it and killed a bunch of people and vampires, her included. I will never forgive myself and death is what I deserve " He explained.

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