chapter eight

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should've held on

Baekhyun woke up with his hair all messed up as he yawned.  He look to his left, managed to found his roommate, who's sitting on his bed while watching drama.

"Oh you have woke up"


Suho said as he smile.

"Morning hyung"

Baekhyun rubbed his eyes as he is stretching. As always, baekhyun took  his phone out under his pillow to look through his instagram. His expression changed from 100-0 real quick. The news were all over around his instagram.


"hyung, i'm bathing first"

Baekhyun said, without looking at suho or neither flashed a smile.


Suho went out from their room and went inside chanyeol's and sehun's room.

"This is bad. I think he saw the article already"

Suho said as soon as he went inside the room.

"What? But how? I thought he told us that he dosen't use his instagram anymore?"

Xiumin said as he frowned.

"He lied i guess? I mean like you see, that's the only way for him to stalk taeyeon"

Kyungsoo said and everyone agreed. Soon, baekhyun appear behind them.

"Anyone wants to follow me go han river later at night?"

Baekhyun said, acting as if he's fine.

"All of us will follow you"

Lay said without hesitation as others nodded. Baekhyun flashed a smile, which they knows it's not his real smile. Baekhyun went inside his room back without saying anything.

"Should we make a surprise for him later?"

Kai suggested as others looked at him.

"What kind of surprise?"

Chen asked.

"Kris hyung, luhan hyung and tao"

Kai said as others started to nod.

"Freakin good idea but.. are we safe to do that?"

Suho asked, worried that fans might caught them.

"Well we won't be going han river, instead we will rent a mansion since we have a week of short holiday"

Kai said as others just nodded with smile plastered on their faces. Suho made a call to kris, luhan and tao. It was lucky that three of them were actually planning to go korea in the afternoon. Suho made their own kakaotalk group, excluding baekhyun.

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