-Chapter One-

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***WARNING: Contains strong language and themes of abuse, please read at your own risk. This will be the only warning***

The crowd cheered loudly in the background as I bounced back and forth on my feet, my eyes focused intensely on my opponent in front of me. The concrete ground underneath me was smeared in blood from previous fights, the smell still fresh and a bit overwhelming. The lights were bright and focused intensely on the two of us. The young man, a friend that I've made in the past few months, in front of me looks exhausted, losing the fight within him every moment.

    I lunge in for another punch, he tries to dodge but falls directly on his back. I can hear his determination leaving his body as he sighs and tears roll down his bruised and bloodied cheeks. Guilt overtakes me for a moment, but if we were to stop the fight both of us would be killed.

    "Please, just end it," he mumbles, "I can't live this life anymore."

    I nod my head, and close my eyes for a brief moment. He was my friend; however, people never last long in this hell hole. This was the way to go. I feel remorse for him, but I also feel jealous of him finally being able to rest.

    I quickly end it for him with a final snap of his neck. I heave in and out, exhausted from the hours of the continuous fights back to back.

    "I'm so sorry, Rye, please rest easy my friend," I whisper faintly under my breath before looking up and waving at the crowd. There is no time to grieve for him.

    A beautiful woman in a black lace one piece saunters around the outside of the pit declaring my victory and the crowd goes wild around me. Her blood red lipstick stands out with her piercing blue eyes as she releases a rope down into the pit so I can climb my way out. The brunette grabs my right arm and raises it and the crowd cheers again; however, I hear faint curses and grumbles for the ones who didn't bet on my victory.

    I take a final wave and head towards the right of the arena. I exit through the doors specifically for the fighters, only to be greeted by my captor.

    "Good fight, 03," he greets me with a sick smile, "You made us quite some money tonight."

    He snaps his fingers and two of the many heavily armed guards around us grab my arms. They drag me back to the cage I have been calling home. Landing harshly on the cold ground of this cement hell reminds me how much pain my body is in. They strip me of my fighting outfit and give me my usual rags to wear. The guards chain my hands and feet to the ground, the silver lacing burning my skin. It is a pain I have become well acquainted with.

    My eyes fade in and out, giving in to the only comfort I have: sleep.

    Although it feels like only a few moments of rest, the loud slamming of the door awakes me suddenly. I sit up, only to feel a pain throughout my ribs as I move.

    "Are you ready, 03?" the sickly voice asks in a sweet tone; although, she did not wait for an answer before piercing the long needle with unknown origins into my arm.

    I dare not look her way as she does so. Dr. Mirasella did not think kindly of anyone looking in her direction, she hated it when any of her experiments looked her in the eyes. She was an unpleasant woman to say the least. Her hands are as cold as death, and her smile as fake as the cheap ring she wears around her finger. She is one of the many captors that has held me prisoner for the past fifteen years. The only time she seems genuinely happy within all these years is when she is causing pain.

    "Such a good girl," she coos condescendingly, "You know, you are one of the only original experiments to have made it this far. You have provided us so much knowledge, my dear 03."

    I remain silent, she does not want an answer out of me. She only wants a form of disobedience to punish.

    "You did so well last night; however, it looks like you took quite a bit of damage. You might be losing your touch," she chuckled, writing down and taking notes of the injuries I sustained.

    "We aren't quite done with you yet though, so this little new concoction of mine should heal you right up," she smiles wickedly at me.

    She collected her supplies and left the dim lit cage. It was disgusting, but it was one of the finer rooms in this hell hole. It was about twelve feet by twelve feet, and completely formed with a mix of cement and silver. Heavy chains bound me to the wall facing the heavy silver door. Above the door was an old taunting clock that ticked with every second.

    Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours. Finally, Dr. Juben entered. He was the proud husband to Dr. Mirasella. He was a fragile looking man with a unique face and long blonde hair. His eyes are as lifeless as mine.

    "03. How are you feeling?" He asked bluntly, approaching with a timid step.

    "Ok," I murmur weakly, supporting myself against the concrete wall to seem more stable.

    "Hmm... Did Mirasella's little concoction take an effect on you? Noted," he affirmed with himself and wrote it down on the same clipboard he has had since I arrived.

    "Your next fight is in two days, you will, as usual, have no further testing until after, and tomorrow night you'll be relocated to the arena accommodations. You know what happens if you lose," he looks at me expectantly.

    I nod my head weakly, unsure of what he wants me to say. The only positive upside was that the fighting accommodations were a cage without chains and better meals. On that note, he mentions that dinner will be coming shortly and makes a sharp turn to leave the room. He slams the silver door shut and I hear his heels click as he walks away.

    I let out a shaky breath, a faint tear rolling down my cheek. I've lost many years to this forsaken place for the crime of being born as part wolf and part human. Between the experimentation they hold and the death battles that take place, I don't know how much more of this I can take.

    'We'll escape,' my wolf whispers as she speaks for the first time in months. That only makes the tears roll faster, 'You just have to hold on.'

    "There is no such thing as escape, only survive until I am killed," I whisper hopelessly, "I miss you Rye."

Memories of the two of us flash in my head. We were champions of the disgusting fights they held, it would only make sense that eventually they would have us fight one another. He kept me sane in this horrible place, he did not let me shut myself out from the world and other people. I just wish I could see him one more time.

* Author's Note *

Welcome to the first chapter! I hope you all enjoy it! This will be a mate based story; however, our protagonist is her person and she is the center of the journey! Leave me a comment and let me know what you think <3

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