Chapter 14: Running From Lions

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Don't forget, we've got unfinished business,
Stories yet to unfold,
Tales that must be retold,
And I regret not knowing when to put an end to all this madness.


"I have to go to class in an hour." Kellin murmurs.

We had just woken up and now we're just laying in bed talking. I'm holding him in my arms which feels a little weird for me but he seems to be comfortable with it. Don't get me wrong, I like it. But I like it a little too much. I must keep reminding myself that he's in a bad place right now and that he's nowhere near ready to date again. Heck, it could be years before he's ready. I need to relax and just be here for him as a friend.

"You don't have to go." I tell him.

"I do." He frowns. "I can't miss anymore classes. I've missed tons due to Calvin."

"Okay well I'll drop you off and pick you up." I offer but he looks unsure. "What's wrong?"

"Cal knows my class schedule." he frowns. "I'm not sure if it'll be safe."

I frown and pull the boy closer to me.

"Okay, well I'll walk you in and out. I won't let him touch you." I assure him but he still seems unsure.

"He's twice the size of you. I don't want you to get hurt." Kellin frowns.

I sigh and brush some of his black hair out of his face.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it." I tell him and he nods.

"Your, uh, your phone was going off all night." he murmurs.

I frown and sigh, reaching over and picking it up.

My eyes skim over the texts but not long enough to read them.

"Sorry, did it keep you up?" I frown.

"No, my head did." he mumbles.

I smile sadly and run my fingers through his hair.

"Stop thinking Kells, trust your heart, not your head." I tell him.

"My heart tells me to go back to Calvin because I love him. My head tells me that I'll just get hurt again." he mutters.

I frown and then roll out of bed.

"Maybe don't trust your heart then." I murmur.

I take Kellin's hands and help him out of bed.

"You get ready, I'll make us breakfast. Then we'll leave. Is there anything you need to get from your house?" I ask and Kellin swears under his breath.

"I need my book." he mutters. "We don't have to get it. It's okay."

I can tell he really needs it though.

"I'll take you around there. It'll be fine. I'll be right by your side." I tell him but he looks unsure.

"No Vic, I couldn't bear the thought of you getting hurt because of me. It's too dangerous." he whispers.

I frown squeezing his shoulder comfortingly.

"Okay, how about we swing by the house, see if he's home. If not, you can get your things. If he is, I'll buy you a new book." I suggest and he nods.

"You're too kind." he smiles gratefully.

"You deserve only kindness, Kell." I tell him.

He blushes and looks a little confused. The poor thing must be so brainwashed that he believes he deserves all the suffering inflicted upon him. I guess I know how Mike must have felt when I first left Andy.

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