Chapter 24: Dark Side Of Your Room

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You make a fool of my heart
You don't know what you do to me in the dark


Vic's POV

I walk into my room just after getting out of the shower and find my beautiful boyfriend in just his underwear on our bed, drawing. He's laying on his stomach facing me whilst biting his lip. He glances up at me and smiles before looking back down at his sketchbook. I stand there for a few minutes just admiring how beautiful he is.

This past month with him has just been amazing and we're more comfortable and flirty with each other than ever. And he's so sweet. It's refreshing to be reminded of how a relationship should be.

Finally, I decide to go join him.

"What are you drawing?" I ask climbing onto the bed next to him.

"Well, I was drawing you but then you moved." He laughs showing the start of a sketch.

I chuckle and kiss him softly.

"Maybe I'll pose for you one day." I mumble against his lips.

He blushes and bites his lip.

"That sounds like a great idea." He says.

He closes his sketchbook and pushes it out of the way, then he rolls onto his back. I take it as opportunity to climb on top of him. He grins, wrapping his arms around my neck and pulling me down to kiss me.

"You don't know what you do to me." he breathes, pulling away.

I lean down and kiss him again, smirking into the kiss and slip my tongue into his mouth. He wraps his legs around my waist and that's when I feel how hard he is. I stop kissing his lips and move my lips to his neck, kissing him tenderly. His breathing is a little shaky.

"Is this okay?" I whisper.

He hums so I don't stop. I run my hands up his sides, just loving the way my skin feels against his. He's so beautiful. I kiss down his neck, then his collarbone, then his chest. He shivers as my lips work their way down his stomach. I kiss below his naval until I get to the waistline of his boxer-briefs. I let my lips linger for a second and pay attention to his heavy breathing, trying to work out if it's panic or pleasure. It's heavy but it's not erratic, relieving me.

I look up at him and he's looking back down at me.

"Can I make you feel good?" I ask, running my hand along his thigh and he looks confused but he blushes.

"Really?" He murmurs and I nod.

"I-If you want." He stammers out, smiling in disbelief.

"I would love to." I beam, kissing his bulge.

He lets out a labored breath. I pull his underwear down slowly, looking at his beautiful body in adoration. He looks a little embarrassed so I kiss his thigh to assure him that he's beautiful.

I take his dick in my hand and stroke him a few times which just makes him harder. I lick up his under vein and he shudders, making me smirk. I take him into my mouth slowly, getting most of him in my mouth before I stop. I feel his hand on my head but instead of forcing my head down further like I was expecting, he just lovingly runs his finger through my hair. I glide my lips back up his shaft then down again quickly, repeating that over and over again, listening to his heavy breathing.

Every time I deep throat him, a little groan leaves his throat and his grip tightens on my hair. I can taste precum and little moans start leaving his mouth, letting me know he's close. God he's so sexy. I've never been more attracted to someone.

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