Chapter 20: Poison

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Take my life, I'll hand it to you


Kellin's POV

After drunkenly dropping my keys a few times, I finally mange to get the door unlocked to my house, or Calvin's house. It's a miracle I even made it here without swerving off the road. I fling the door open, stumbling in and the first thing I hear are moans. They're not Calvin's and they sure as hell aren't male. I look to the sofa where there's a girl on top of Calvin. The same blonde girl who was kissing Calvin in the photo Vic showed me. They're both naked and having sex.

Calvin makes eye contact with me and I roll my eyes.

"This must be Mindy!" I exclaim with mock excitement.

Calvin's quick to throw the girl off him and get to his feet. I ignore him and head to our bedroom.

"Kell, Kellin, wait." Calvin says chasing after me, stumbling as he tries to put his pants back on in the process.

I put my suitcase to the side then fall down onto the bed, craving rest.

"Kell, she means nothing. I love you. I just thought I was never going to get you back. I'm so sorry." Calvin apologizes profusely.

"I don't care." I groan, just wanting him to shut up. My head is aching and he sure as hell isn't helping.

"I'll go get rid of her. Give me a second." He says then rushes out of the room.

I close my eyes and try to sleep but my head is throbbing. I wish I didn't drink so much. But if I didn't then I probably wouldn't have uncovered the truth about Vic. Calvin soon comes back into the room and turns the light on.

"Turn it off." I whine as the light burns my eyes.

He flicks the light back off and gets into bed next to me. His presence is weird. I can't decide whether I love it or despise it.

"Kell, I've missed you so much." He sighs, pulling me into his arms.

"I missed you too." I mumble. I kiss his bicep and think about how Vic's arms are so much better.

"Are you drunk?" Calvin asks, a little surprised.

"Very." I sigh.

I never got drunk when we were together. Not that I had much of a choice. I always had to be alert and if Calvin was drinking I could only have one because I'd have to drive us home.

"Well, I'm glad to have you back home." He murmurs. "I love you so much."

"Yeah, you too." I lie.

I don't love him, I know that. But I need him. He's the only person who will ever love me and I need that. I need to be loved. If I didn't have Calvin, I'd fall apart.

"That Vic guy didn't hurt you, did he? I'll kick his ass if he did." Calvin asks and I roll my eyes.

"He's an asshole." I mutter, still rather upset about the whole thing. I just want to forget I ever met him.

"Did you sleep with him?" Calvin asks a little sharply.

His question pisses me off.

"Why does it matter? You're fucking Barbie." I spit.

Calvin rolls his eyes then kisses my cheek. I hate how he brushes off everything I say, like my feelings don't matter.

"I haven't seen you at work lately." Calvin says, changing the subject.

"I took some time off, ya know, because I was raped." I hiss.

"You know I didn't mean it, Kells. And it's not that bad. We have sex all the time." Calvin sighs. "Can we just forget it happened?"

I huff but nod just wanting things to go back to the way they were, well without the constant bruises. Calvin pulls me closer to him and kisses my neck. His hand goes to my ass but I'm quick to move it to my hip.

"I missed your body." He breathes, rubbing himself against me.

"I'm tired." I whine, just not in the mood.

"But Kell, I have a raging boner." He pouts.

"Would you like me to help?" I offer.

"Please." He begs.

I turn around so I'm facing him and take his hand. I slip it down the front of his pants and let go. He looks at me confused.

"I'm going to sleep. You touch me and I'll cut it off." I smile condescendingly.

He frowns and rolls onto his back. I roll back over and close my eyes.

"Look who grew a backbone." He mutters.

"I had no choice." I whisper.

We don't say another word and I soon fall asleep while he jerks off beside me.


This is very short but hope you enjoyed anyway!

I get a long weekend because my school is doing a swimming carnival thing on Monday and I don't sport.

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