Sorry's Not Good Enough- Chapter 5

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After our game was over, Nick put out the fire and we cleaned up. We got back in the car and he started driving me home.

“Nick?” I asked.

“Yeah?” he looked at me briefly.

“This might not be the best thing to ask right now but, we’re not dating, right?”

“Uh,” he looked taken back by my question. “Well, no not really.”

“Ok.” I admit, I felt a small pang of guilt even though I know that was the answer before I asked it.


“No reason, just got left a little confused.” I looked out the window and didn’t say another word for the rest of the 20 minute ride home. I could feel a little tension between me and Nick.  I should have never asked that question. When we got to my house, I didn’t wait for him to open my door, I muttered a quick “Bye.” and walked out. Before I got on my porch he came after me, grabbing my wrist and spinning me around.

“Wait, Ava, just because we’re not together doesn’t mean we can’t hang and be friends.” He said.

“Whatever. I was being stupid.” I tried turning but he stopped me again, this time crashing his lips onto mine.

“Ava, stop. I just need to sort some things out before I can decide if I want this relationship or not.” I just nodded at him and hugged him. Then I walked up the stairs to my bedroom.

“Crap.” I said when I noticed I left my bag in his car.

“Ava!” my dad called from downstairs.

“Yes?” I shout, coming down the stairs.

“That boy’s still here, says he’s got your bag.” I ran the rest of the way down, happy he hadn’t left yet.

“Nick?” I say as I open the door.

“Ava,” he was sitting on the porch swing, rocking back and forth.

“Thanks, I’ve got all my stuff in there. You saved me.” I grinned.

“Well then, don’t superheroes always get a kiss after they save a damsel in distress.”

“But you’re not a superhero.” I say giggling.

“Well, I do believe you said I just saved your life. I believe I should get a kiss.” He says.

“Nick, my Dad’s probably staring at us right now through like, a crack in the wall or something.”

“So.” He smirks, walking closer to me, putting an arm around my waist, pulling me closer.

“So, I don’t want to push his buttons.” I say as he rests his forehead on mine.

“It’s all about risks.” He says and closes the gap between us, placing his lips on mine. Our lips move together and I think of my dad watching us. He pulls away and looks me in the eye,

“Ava, sorry I can’t promise you anything…solid. I just, need a little time to figure things out correctly.”

“I understand. Bye, Nick.” He kisses my lips quickly and then parts. I walk inside, clutching my bag to my chest.

“Go to bed, Ava.” I hear my dad say from the couch.

“Okay Dad.” I say in a dreamy voice. I can him feel him staring at me and I swear I heard him mutter something along the lines of, “Kill that boy.” I laugh as I walk up to my room and change into my PJ’s. When I’m laying down, my phone rings.

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