Sorry's Not Good Enough - Chapter 8

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**Ava’s POV**

I walk over to the swings at the park and sat, waiting for Devon to show up. I sit there, looking at the stars when suddenly, I feel myself being pulled from the waist.

“Hang on!” I hear Devon shout as he pushes me back with a lot of force. My swing goes extremely high and I break out into a fit of giggles.  

“No, let me down!” I shout, still laughing. He grabs my waist again when I come down and stops pushing me. I turn around to face him, his arms still around my waist.

“Hi.” I say, smiling.

“Hey.” He says back.

“Sorry about asking you to meet me here, I just needed to get out of my house.”

“Not a fun dinner?”

“Not at all.” I get up and take his hand, dragging him with me to the middle of the park. I lay on my back and he follows suit.

“So, why was it not fun?” he asks.

“Uh, they’re son was over.”

“And you don’t like him?”

“I thought I did. But turns out he’s a total douche.”

“Hmm, douche’s are no fun.” He scowls and looks down at me. I giggle at his facial expression and push my bangs out of my face.

“Good thing you’re not a douche.” I say.

“Oh, no. I would never be a douche. I’m just too cool.” He says playfully.

“That was kind of a douchey thing to say.”

“Whatever.” He rolls his eyes and smiles.

“I like your smile.”

“I like yours.” We stare at each other for a few minutes and I feel him lean in. just before his lips meet mine, he whispers,

“Can I kiss you?” I close my eyes and meet him the rest of the way, giving him his answer. He kisses me gently, slowly. His lips are warm against mine and they feel so soft. My hands absentmindedly play with the hair at the nape of his neck and I feel him shiver a little. He pulls away after a few seconds.

“You taste good.” He says. I bite my lip and say,

“So do you.” He smiles. We lay back down and he puts his arm around me. I start thinking as I stare at the stars in peaceful silence and then it hits me. I kissed two guys in the same day. When did this happen? How did my life go from me being invisible to anyone outside of academic clubs to me being caught between two completely gorgeous guys? Both who seem to have interest in me with very different ways of showing it.

“Devon, do you like me?” I ask randomly.

“What?” he chuckles, “Of course I do! What kind of a question is that?” he sits up and crosses his legs.

“I don’t know,” I say, rolling onto my side to face him. “I just, I guess it’s because this is weird for me.”

“What do you mean?”

“Guys, I’ve always been invisible to the male population.”

“Now that,” he says, grinning at me “Is very hard to believe.”

“No, it’s totally true!” I sit up now.

“You’ve never had a boyfriend?” he asks.

“Nope, not a single one.”

“Wow. I don’t understand how that could happen, I mean, look at you!” I smiled and turned away from him, hiding my blush.

“Not only are you beautiful, but you have an amazing personality. I don’t see how people could over look you. I know I didn’t when I saw you at the store the first time we met.”

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