Chapter 3

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Once Shiro saw Pidge and Keith cuddled into each other his face grew red in anger but when she shifted to lay her head in the crook of Keith's neck, his heart sank. He just sighed to himself. "Keith would be a good match for her, I'm to old anyways. I'm 19, shes 15. The age difference is to big." He said to himself quietly as he walked to his dorm, running into Coran on his way there. "Oh, hello Shiro! How is your day?" The man asked twirling his mustache. "Oh, just fine. Thanks. I have to go now. Ill see you at dinner." He put on a fake smile and he walked to his room. Heart dropping as he passed by Keith and Pidge's rooms. He got to his room, opened then locked the door. Laying on his bed, back against the sheets and head on pillow. His vision blurred as he flipped into his stomach, crying softly into his pillow. Seeing Keith and Pidge like that must have set him off, then, he passed out, drifting into a deep, dreamless sleep.
Hours passed before Pidge woke up in Keith's arms. She smiled and kissed his cheek. "Thank you." She stood up and looked at the time. Deciding to wake the sleeping red paladin. She shook his shoulders softly and he blinked his eyes open. Realising where he was caused his face to go as red as his lion. "M-morning." She smiled and fixed her clothes. "Afternoon." Keith smiled as he stood up and fixed her hair. She smiled up at him as Allura's voice boomed over the speakers. "Paladens, time for dinner." Keith held out his hand for Pidge. "Come on, lets go get some food." She took his hand and they walked to the dinning hall together. Coran and Hunk were the two in there first. Then Keith and Pidge, Allura, and then Lance. Pidge looked around the table as everyone took their seats and Hunk served the food. "Where's shiro?"
The whole team looked around. Then Lance spoke up. "He's probably have some fun." Lance had a small smirk and we all knew what he was thinking. "Lance, I dont think that Shiro, the leader of Voltron, would be doing....that." Keith said as he gave Lance a side glance. Lance just shrugged it off. However, Pidge stood up. "Allura, may I be excused?" The princess nodded and Pidge walked to Shiro's room, turned the knob. "Its locked? He never locks his door. Not even when he's changing..." She sighed and used her skills, more like she used a toothpick in the small hole for a key, to unlock his door. The room was dark and she flicked rhe lights on. "Takashi?" The small girl asked as she heard a small shuffle on the black paladens bed. He groaned as he sat up. "K-Katie?" She just sat on the end of his bed. "Come on. Dinners ready." He smiled and got out of bed. "Thanks. Ill be there in a tick." She smiled and got changed into something more comfortable then went to the dinning hall.

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