Chapter 24

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I'm sorry I failed you all. This chapter took me so long to write because I didnt know how I wanted it to end. I debated between 4 endings.
Lotor groaned and set the ship into autopilot mode and got out of his seat. He walked into the back of the ship where Katie, Keith, and Matt were. They all had smiles on their faces, laughing to jokes each of them told. Katie noticed him and smiled at him. "Sweetie, come here." She said and waved him over.
The three just sat there for hours, and talked about nothing. Lotor had placed both of his hands on her stomach as she sit in his lap. Keith took notice and smiled at the small gesture. She noticed as well and nuzzled into the Galra prince who betrayed his father for her. She felt like she ment something to him, and she does. She may never know but she means the world to him. That he would do anything for her, even give his own life.


Shiro was dying inside. His best friend, brother(ish) friend, and the love of his life were gone. All taken by the galra. Was this his karma for escaping? He looked down at his arm and rage boiled up inside of him almost instantly. He used his arm, his real arm, to tear the weapon off of his body. He let out a scream as it ripped cords from his brain. His eye sockets filling slowly with blood, making this all the more painful for him. He felt every little section of his brain that the arm was connected to rip apart. Blood filled his mouth and spilled out, running down his chin. They thick liquid filling his lungs slowly, yet painfully.
Everyone heard and immediately ran to his room. Lance had his head in his hands as he was standing in the doorway to the older man's room. "Oh god." Hunk and Allura hurried over to him and Hunk pulled off his headband and wrapped it around his arm to stop the bleeding. "No. No. No!" Lance was mumbling under his breath and he stumbled to his feet, running to the exit of the castle. Coran ran after him and he saw Lance sitting on the ledge to the deep void of space, the door still shut. Tears streamed down his face as his hand shakingly hovered over the open button.
"Come on, get away from there. Its all going to be okay. I promise."
"You can't promise anything Coran!" Lance stood up in anger and he turned around to face the other. "Lance, come on..." He said trying to get the boy to get down off the ledge. "No! Everyone is going to be gone! Keith is gone, Pidge is gone, Shiro is losing it and it killing himself in the process! I-I just....I don't want to lose anyone else..." He sat down and he put his head in his hands. Coran moved over to the boy and hugged him tightly. "But your parents are here now. Remeber, they love you. And I promise, we are going to find Keith, Lance." The boy just sobbed as Coran calmed him down. "Thank you, Coran." "Your welcome, Lance. Now lets get back to the others."
Shiro was in a healing pod as his father sat outside the pod, just waiting. Waiting for his son to recover. Lance walked in and sat next to Aki. The old man looked sad and worried for his son. Lance took notice and he looked to the other from the corner of his eye, then to the wall. "Your Shiro's father. Of course your going to be worried about him. But this guy is as strong as a dragon itself." Aki seemed to be a bit more relieved by this. "I know he's strong its just...he has been gone for so long. I had no idea of the demons he was battling. How did this even happen?" Lance started to explain to Aki how all of this Voltron stuff started.
"Wow, so I guess he got what he wanted." Lance looked over at him. "What's that mean?" Aki seemed to crack a smile. "He always, even as a small child, wanted to find aliens and be a hero. I guess he got what he wanted. I'm happy for him." Lance smiled as well and put his hands behind his head, laying back in his chair.

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