Luke's pov

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With Heather sleeping in the back room, I have time to gather my thoughts.

She's talking to other guys. Well fuck me then she's obviously playing me.

She seems so happy around me though. So genuine.

But then who's this other guy?

I just got out of a long relationship for her. Because I'm just addicted to her.

I'm falling for her faster than what's safe. There's no guarantee she even wants me the same way. Especially knowing now that she's got hoes hitting her up.

What am I supposed to do? What the fuck do I do?

Should I...
talk to the guy?

If I tell him that she's with me then he'd back his ass off real fucking quick.

Am I willing to start shit with some guy over her?

Yes. Yes I am.

I'm addicted to her. Her attention, her affection. Making her happy makes me happy. Happy, something I've never really had.

And it not about to loose it.

This little boy is about to realize he needs to choose his battles, choose his enemies. And he'll learn real fucking quick that he won't want me as one.

Heather is fucking mine.

I still have those numbers burnt into my brain.

I grab a napkin and scribble them down.

Grabbing my car keys I realize I'm ditching her. But I need to make sure this guy isn't a threat.

With a slight feeling of regret I close the door and leave, heart pumping, to start a fight for this girl I need in my life.

I dial the numbers as I get in my car.


"Heather and I want to meet you at the McDonald's on the corner of mainstreet"

"Sure! I'm excited to see her again, who are you?"

"We can explain there. Want to meet now?" I try to keep the anger out of my voice, I need him to meet me.

"Sure I'll be there!"

I hang up and smile. Little bitch won't know what hit him.

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