Chapter 11.

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Wow Factor: May 14th, 2014

Devyn Cheng

I ran my fingers through my hair and looked at the scenery as Justice and I sat in the back of a cab on our way to where ever. I chewed my gum and popped it occasionally out of boredom. He wasn't really paying me any attention. He had been attached to his phone all morning. He claimed he was responding to important emails. I was trying to respect it because I know he's usually very busy, but I was an attention whore when it came to men that I was into and it was killing me that he wasn't giving me any.

"Can you stop that?" he asked me while typing.

I paused and looked over at him. "Stop what?" I asked.

"Popping the gum. I hate when people do that. Drives me crazy" he chuckled.

I slowly nodded and chewed regularly. I wanted to keep popping it to make him mad. Any attention was better than none, but I wasn't that childish. I laid my head on his shoulder,"What are we doing today?"

He continued typing as he leaned down and kissed me on my forehead. "You'll see."

"I'm not satisfied with that answer" I said to him.

"That's too bad" he mumbled and continued typing away. I rolled my eyes resisting the urge to snatch his phone and just waited to be at our destination.

After a while, we ended up at a building where Justice paid the driver and we got out. He grabbed my hand and walked me in. I followed along not bothering to ask questions. As we walked down the hallway of the building, Justice looked back at me and smiled. "What?" I asked. 

"Nothing" he shook his head with a small laugh. We ended up at a door that was labeled "Suite 201". It was glass so you could see through. He opened the door and we walked in.

My mouth instantly dropped open. "What are we doing Justice?" The room was all white and music was blasting from speakers. There was a set up with umbrella lights as well as props and things off on the other side of the room. There were also people all around doing different stuff.

"You mean what are you doing" he chuckled as a girl walked up to us. She had big curly red hair, glasses, and wore a huge smile.

"Justice!" she screamed as she hugged him. He smiled and hugged her back.

"Wassup Tia? How you been? I ain't seen you in a while" he said to her.

"I'm great actually" she grinned and looked over at me. "Is this her?" she pointed to me.

Justice nodded. She screamed excitedly but calmed down when she noticed my weird facial expression. "Oh my God, you look so confused. I'm assuming he didn't tell you anything" she laughed.

I shook my head no. She spoke up again. "My name is Tia. We're like old childhood friends" she explained. "But anyway, i'm a photographer. He asked me to do a shoot for you."

I looked at Justice. "Wait, what?"

"Since you won't take pictures of yourself. Somebody else is going to" he grinned. "Have fun, i'm about to go chill until you ready."

"Come, come" Tia grabbed my hand and pulled me over to where other people were. "Wow, i'm so excited for this. Sorry if i'm coming off weird. I'm just happy Juss has a girlfriend and that I get to do a shoot where I have creative freedom. Working for clients with their own ideas gets tiring."

I smiled. "I understand. Thats part of the reason I don't want to be a photographer. I like being able to shoot whatever I want."

"Oh yeah, he told me you're a beast with the cam. Why don't you freelance?" she asked.

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