Chapter 16:

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A/N: Time to start hating Justice :) *unedited so excuse my typos, sorry*
Devyn Cheng

After spending a few more days with Justice, I had finally convinced myself to go home. Actually it was more like he was going out of town and I didn't want to be stuck at his house by myself or with Ace. I wanted to avoid Eva so badly that I thought about even going to my mom's house and staying there until he came back, but I wasn't going to do it.

I stuck my key in the door and twisted while mentally praying that no one was here. If anyone was here, I hoped it was just Eva alone and not her annoying ass friends.

When I opened the door, she wasn't anywhere to be found but I heard the tv from her room which meant she was probably in there. I closed and locked the door behind me and tried to make a dash for my room before she noticed I was home.

Of course it didn't work. "Devyn?" I heard her question when I got to my door. I wanted to ignore it but I just shouted,"Its me!"

Her door swung open and she looked at me. "Finally home huh?"

I chuckled. "Yeah." I opened my door and walked inside my room. Before I could close it behind me, she waltzed in. I groaned.

"I know you don't want to talk to me okay but I really need to talk to you" she stood in the middle of my room floor and said.

"I don't wanna hear it, honestly" I said truthfully.

"No Devyn, please hear me out okay? I know I've been acting out of line and I don't understand my feelings either but just know I have a reason."

I stared at her for a while. She seemed sincere so I decided to listen. I took a seat on my bed. "Talk."

She nodded and scratched her arm nervously. "Umm, I don't know how to say this."

"Say what Eva? Just spit it out" I said with a shrug.

"Promise me you'll listen to everything I have to say before you react" she said to me. I sighed. She was working my nerves.

"Yeah, whatever you say."

She inhaled and exhaled. "I had sex with Justice."

I froze. "You did what?!" Had I heard that correctly?

"Me and Justice had sex Devyn" she repeated. I had definitely heard her correctly. I was livid as fuck. My heart felt like it hit my toes and I didn't even know how to feel. I wanted to grab her and bust her head open but I wanted to hear more of this story.

"Explain" I rubbed my temples.

"It was before you guys started dating. Literally like a few months before you went on your first date."

"So you knew him?"

She sighed. "I knew he looked familiar when Alexis showed me the picture but when I seen him in person I instantly knew who he was."

I felt as if I were shaking. "And you didn't tell me why?"

"This may sound really stupid but, I didn't think you guys would last."

"What the fuck does that even mean?" I chuckled angrily.

"When I met him, he talked to me a few days, he fucked, he never hit me back afterwards. When I did text him or ask when we were going to see each other again, he'd completely blow me off. So I figured the same thing would happen between you guys and I wouldn't have to really tell you. I know it sounds bad. I'm sorry."

That was the dumbest thing I ever heard. If she really thought he was going to hurt me and she was a real friend, she would have told me. "Bullshit Eva. You should have told me regardless."

"I tried to get him and Courtney together after I realized he was really interested in you. I was jealous of the fact that he didn't want anything to do with me after we had sex but he was doing so much for you and I could tell he wanted more from you than sex. So I thought if he fucked with Courtney then you wouldn't want him anymore" she sniffled. She was starting to cry. She was honestly sounding like a little kid. This bitch was really twenty three years old acting like a child.

"I don't want to talk to you about this anymore honestly. Its over. Its done."

She sniffled and wiped her eyes. "There's one more thing Dev."

I rolled my eyes. I was already angry as hell at her and at Justice. Now she had more to add? "What is it?" I asked.

"I don't know what he told you but he definitely fucked and is still fucking around with Courtney" she said.

I immediately felt like crying myself but I held it in. Now that was something i'd have to see evidence of. Courtney was a snake and I wasn't sure if anything she said was true. "How do you know that for a fact?" I asked her. I knew I was in denial but I couldn't help it.

"Where did he tell you he went yesterday?" she asked me.


"Dev where did he tell you he went yesterday afternoon?"

"To meet his boys at the basketball court."

"He was definitely with Courtney. She texted this long paragraph about how she was angry that he never wants to kiss her" she showed me her phone and the message.

I felt like the most idiotic female on earth. He was really playing me.

"Can you leave?" I asked Eva. I wanted to be alone.

She nodded slowly. "I love you Devyn. Ive been a trash friend and i'm sorry" she said to me before walking out.

When she was gone, I immediately grabbed my phone, tears running down my face and all. I dialed the number and put it to my ear. After a few rings he answered. "Wassup?"

"Ace?" I tried to sound as normal as possible but my voice always cracked when I cried.


"You with Justice?" I asked wiping my nose with the bottom of my shirt.

"Nah. I just dropped him off, why? Whats wrong? You good?"

"I think he had my favorite sweater on yesterday and lied and said he doesn't have it. Did he have on a black hoodie with Aaliyah spray painted on it?" I asked him.

"I wouldn't know. I only seen him for like two seconds yesterday" he answered.

"Oh, he didn't go play basketball with you guys?" I asked.

"He dipped after like one game."

"Aww man. Okay thank you. I guess I'll find it somewhere" I mumbled.

"You sure you okay?" he asked again with a chuckle.

"Yeah, i'm good. I'm just trying to figure some stuff out" I lied.

"Aight well holla at me if you need me."

"I will, bye" I hung up.

I didn't know what to do. I wasn't sure if I wanted to bring it up while he was out of town or wait until he got back. Everything Eva said to me was eating away at me and I felt so fucking stupid.

After a while I decided to wait it out and let him think everything was good an gravy while he was gone but once he got back. Shit was going to hit the fan.

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