Part 17

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Having this long weekend has not been fun. Having my aunt back stab my gran and telling my uncle shit is not so bright. Then him fighting his own mother and swearing me in between was hard. Well it blew over a bit. Then having my brothers granddad, my biological father and half brother just come by was shocking. I have not seen my biological father in years and when I say years I mean round about 11 years. My grandparents basically raised me. Now it was the most awkward moment in my life too see him again. Yet they only came to give me news on my brother. Yes my brother who was changed with rape has been sentenced 15 years in prison. Ain't life all sunshine and rainbow's!!! Well now apparently my biological father wants to come again now and just visit. I'm so raw and didn't want to have a relationship now. He is coming today and my nervous off my mind I don't know if I even wanna talk to him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2017 ⏰

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