Chapter 5: Persuaded

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Arctic. The boy she had fallen in love with as a little girl. His silver gray hair swept to the side, his dazzling blue-green eyes. Her childhood friend.

"Arctic.'re here."

He chuckled.

Miss me, T?

"Of course I did! You have no idea." She cried happily, tears already forming.

Heh. I missed you too. Anyways, I'm here to deliver a message. Remember our mentor, Orion?

"Of course I do. He taught us everything we know. Except for what I learned without him."

Well, according to the Elders and Orion, the final task of training is to find Glacia and return with a gemstone of Crystalline Amber.

"Glacia...?" She echoed.

Yeah. It's the an island hidden somewhere in the New World, but only our people can find it. Orion had some business to attend to, but he said he wanted you to complete the quest and complete your training. It'll make you into an official Ice Conqueror.

"But I can't just leave Tigara unattended." She argued.

Don't worry, T. We may not be here physically, but we're always watching over the island and you. We're all so proud of you. And- Oh lord, you're crying again. Oh please, T. You were always such a crybaby.

"Oh shut up, Arc. I hate you."

No you don't.

"You're right, I don't. But I really really missed youuuuu." She wailed, clinging to his spiritual arm.

The boy laughed.

You ok, T? C'mon. You deserve a break. Let's go on a walk.

"Mmk!" She nodded, smiling as brightly as she used to all those years ago.

Arm in arm, they treaded through the rainforest, reliving their childhood.

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