hi !! :)

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hello friends!

this is the first ff i ever wrote, and i just wanted to come back after 2/3 years and say thank u sm for all the support this has received.

since this is the first fic i ever wrote, rereading it now makes me cringe so hard and makes me consider rewriting it/editing it to be much better! but other than that, i was hoping you'd check out some of my other stories! i've definitely my developed my plot developing and writing skills, and it'd mean a lot :'))

i write for a lot of series such as bnha, jjba, more one piece, and am planning on writing soon for fairy tail, haikyuu, and some others !

this is kinda shameless promotion on my part, but i just feel like i've improved so much and would like to share it with yall! a rewrite of this story may also come out in the new future, one hopefully written and developed much better than this one, but regardless, thank you for making it to the end of this fic! i really appreciate it :)))



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