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Episode 2



Mi-nyeo wakes up from her dream and finds herself, shockingly, asleep on the floor with the three other guys. Startled and overwhelmed, she tries to get her bearings and figure out what happened. She has no idea how she got back to the house, but her shirt is dirty and her lip has an injury.

Her split lip triggers a memory — she had fallen off the bench and the boys had rushed to break her fall. When she landed on top of one of them, her lips mashed with another set. But she can’t remember which set of lips!

She closes her eyes, trying to convince herself that this is a dream, and starts praying.

Jeremy comes out to scold Mi-nyeo and give her the stinkeye for her drunken behavior. From his disapproving attitude, Mi-nyeo assumes he’s the one she offended, and apologizes. Jeremy instructs her to apologize to the person she offended most: “hyung.”

This means it wasn’t Jeremy, so she approaches Shin-woo next. He’s sitting down for some morning tea and says he was shocked at last night’s unbelievable events. Mi-nyeo again apologizes profusely and begs him to consider her actions as being hit by a rock falling from the sky. (As in, unfortunate and random.)

Hilariously, Jeremy sees her sitting with Shin-woo and yells, “Hey! I told you to go apologize, and you’re just sitting here drinking tea?!” Mi-nyeo answers, “But I am apologizing.”

They set her straight: it was Tae-kyung she violated. With this additional information, we return to the flashback, when she had fallen on top of Tae-kyung, mouth landing on his — but that’s not where the story ends. After she had landed, she had gagged… and vomited… right into his mouth.

(I’m not exaggerating when I say that I had to pause my video and laugh until my sides literally ached. This is exactly what I mean by the Hong sisters spinning cliches in clever ways. The “oops I fell and landed on your lips” is a familiar scenario, and I was sorta going to let it slide… but now it goes from an expected gag to clever twist.)

This also explains everyone’s horror — they’re not reacting in prissy shock because of a mere kiss. It’s an appropriate level of response, I think, to vomiting into someone’s mouth. The two guys advise her to patch things up with Tae-kyung — if he’ll let her, that is.

Tae-kyung wakes up and freaks out to recall last night. We have seen how compulsive and uptight he is, so now he fixates on getting to the shower to wash himself clean of his revulsion. When Mi-nyeo comes by to ask for forgiveness, he’s so agitated that he tells her he can’t talk to her now. Also, “Why would I forgive you?” She answers thoughtfully, “Because you’re a good person.”

Tae-kyung bites out, “When I’ve disliked a person in the past, I kept disliking them, because they kept doing things I disliked. I disliked you from the moment I saw you, and sure enough you did the thing I hate most. It’s clear that you’ll keep doing things I hate and that I’ll keep hating you. So that forgiveness you talk about won’t happen now, or ever.” He yells at her to get out.

But he’s not a complete ogre, because when he heads to the bathroom to wash up, he mutters (a little guiltily) that Mi-nam should’ve listened when he asked for time to shower and calm down. It suggests that he knows he could have handled it better and that Mi-nam didn’t mean to do it.

Mi-nyeo leaves a cup of tea and a fragrant candle on his desk to enjoy later, but in so doing she spills wax on the ground. When she bends to wipe it up, the hot wax makes her recoil. That makes her crash right into his CD rack. The contents of the shelves come crashing down, and she frantically holds up the rack to keep it from also falling, and is stuck holding up the frame. (It’s like one of those Mousetrap chain-reaction games gone awry. LOL.)

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