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Tae-kyung jumps into the pool to rescue Mi-nam, who is starting to lose consciousness. He shakes her underwater until she rouses, and swims for the surface. Unfortunately, in her struggle to get to the surface, she kicks him on the head, shoving him back down.

He gurgles angrily, “Go… Mi… Nam…” and sinks.

(HAHAHA. I had a feeling the writers were going to subvert this touching gesture with a punchline.)

Mi-nyeo surfaces and sighs in relief at her near miss. She gets dressed, wondering who it was who came to save her. Just as she thinks back and is struck with the possibility of it being Tae-kyung, she looks at the pool in alarm — just as his body floats to the surface.

Soon, an ambulance arrives and a weakened Tae-kyung is being wheeled out on a stretcher. He sees Mi-nyeo by his side, gripping his hand worriedly. He raises his head, and with the last of his strength, he puts his hand on top of hers… and flings it off. (HAHA.)

On the upside, as a result of this news, the fans come around and praise Mi-nam for (supposedly) saving Tae-kyung’s life. Sayuri leads the rest of the fan club in a chant, “Go Mi-nam, thank you!”

On the other hand, Tae-kyung is peeved to hear that Mi-nam has been made into the hero. He mutters, “Who saved whom?” Sung-chan thinks Tae-kyung should stay longer at the hospital. Tae-kyung grumps that he’s fine, but Sung-chan says that the public response has been really good. Staying longer would take advantage of that. LOL.

Meanwhile, another celebrity is at the hospital today — top pop star Yoo Heyi. (Hyee? Hae-yi?) She visits a sick child and cries in compassion, all while a camera crew busily films the proceedings. Heyi is loved by all and called “Korea’s fairy” as an endearment (similar to “America’s sweetheart,” it’s the label that both Eugene and Sung Yuri were called back in their idol days).

Heyi has to excuse herself because she’s so overcome with her emotions, and steps outside while the others marvel at her kind heart. Of course, they don’t see her walking away like a pop-diva Keyser Soze, her tearful sniffles gradually turning into a derisive sneer. Back in her van, she gripes about the photo op and orders her assistant to hand her a tissue.

But wait — it’s not an assistant, it’s Tae-kyung sitting in the backseat. She stepped into the wrong van! Gathering her wits, she quickly assumes her public persona, adding a hint of flirtatiousness, but he’s not fooled since he’s seen her true side. She drops the act and says, “I’m no fairy, like you’re no angel.”

Still, she sees his comments as an interest in her (no doubt because everyone else fawns over her). He’s turned off by her conceit (although it rather mirrors his own), and tells her to leave with her trash (dirty tissues) and to leave the door so he can air out her noxious perfume.

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