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Heyi accuses Mi-nam of liking Tae-kyung, and notes that she doesn’t deny it. Mi-nyeo is in such shock that she’s speechless, and when Heyi announces her intention to tell Tae-kyung, Mi-nyeo drops to her knees and shakes her head frantically as the guys start to approach. Reading her panic, Heyi says, “You don’t want me to? Then shut up when I do things my way.”

Heyi turns to the guys and says with fake worry that Mi-nam is ill. They recall that she had the beginnings of a cold and don’t question her, not seeing that Heyi mouths to Mi-nyeo, “Talk and you die.”

Sung-chan is sympathetic and sends Mi-nyeo home, saying she can make up the shoot later. He gives Heyi a ride back as well and answers her questions cheerfully, not aware of how Heyi is pointedly directing the comments at Mi-nyeo. For instance, she drives home that Mi-nam’s facing an important role in the band: “If a problem arises with Mi-nam, President Ahn, you and A.N.JELL will both be in a lot of trouble.”

Sung-chan agrees with her assessment, so Heyi turns to Mi-nyeo: “You heard, right? You’ll have to do a good job so things aren’t ruined for Tae-kyung oppa. And you can’t tell anyone the secret conversation we had. If you tell, I can’t keep my end of the secret either. Understand?”

In the safety of her own room (since Mi-ja is out at the moment), Mi-nyeo cries over her dilemma. She feels the burden of responsibility for A.N.JELL’s continued success in the wake of Heyi’s blackmailing.

She looks at the childhood photo of her with her brother and says, “Oppa, I’m so scared. What if he’s hurt because of me?” To clear up any ambiguity over who she’s talking about, she looks over at a photo of Tae-kyung. “He’s someone who shouldn’t be liked by a thing like me. I can’t ruin him.”

As the shoot wraps, Tae-kyung wonders how Mi-nyeo’s doing and asks to take some limes home with him. He doesn’t see Shin-woo asking the prop guy for some limes, too, nor Jeremy. When the guys arrive home, they find that she’s in bed and feverish. Tae-kyung starts to speak in concern, but stops himself and instead says gruffly, “If you were sick, you should have said so. Because of you, today’s shoot was ruined.”

Mi-nyeo apologizes and promises not to ruin anything in the future, but her weak response has him dissatisfied. He wonders if she’s gotten used to his (brusque) way of speaking, or whether she’s just out of energy. He turns his glare to Pig-Rabbit to scold, “If you droop like that, it takes the fun out of picking on her.” He grabs the ears to perk them upright, then wonders how to feed Mi-nyeo the limes.

All three guys have thought of the nutrition value of limes with the intent of giving them to Mi-nam, so Tae-kyung has to hide his surprise to find Shin-woo and Jeremy in the kitchen with theirs. In keeping with their previously shown preferences, Shin-woo suggests making hot tea with his limes, but Jeremy would rather make juice.

Tae-kyung feels stupid now, so he has to play off his intent, saying he liked eating the limes so much he brought them home for his own enjoyment. He takes a bite nonchalantly, pretending it’s tasty. (I apologize for the crudeness of the gif; I’ve never made one before so I had to figure out how to do it, but the moment was just begging for an animated gif.)

Tae-kyung shoots a glare at Pig-Rabbit, then figures, “Since everyone else is taking care of Mi-nam, I guess I don’t need to step in.”

Shin-woo brings her tea, but since she’s asleep he sets it aside, although it’ll be cold when she wakes. (The point being: his timing is bad.) Seeing Mi-nyeo shivering in her sleep, he says, “Don’t be sick, Mi-nam, because then I can’t stand by and not do something.”

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