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Jeremy and Shin-woo come out to the balcony to see Tae-kyung comforting Mi-nam. Jeremy wonders what’s going on — does Tae-kyung know why Mi-nam is crying? Shin-woo muses (to himself), “Maybe Tae-kyung knows everything.”

Sung-chan and Stylist Wang join them, and Tae-kyung explains that Mi-nam is just feeling worked up after the performance. The stylist takes Mi-nam aside to fix up her makeup for the upcoming interviews. Sung-chan is pleased to hear that Tae-kyung comforted Mi-nam, as this is proof that they’re getting along better.

Of course, Tae-kyung and Shin-woo know there’s more to the story but keep that to themselves. There are looks exchanged all around (the two stare intensely while Jeremy looks on quizzically), and I have to admit that for a moment I was reminded of those Mad TV parodies of Mexican telenovelas where people just glare dramatically at each other.

The stylist heard about Mi-nam’s mother and asks if she’ll be okay for the interview. Mi-nyeo assures her that she can continue, but Tae-kyung’s voice cuts in: “You can’t do it.” He points out that she’s obviously been sobbing. What, is she going to blame it on him antagonizing her again?

I like that Tae-kyung frames it like this, because it’s his way of being gruff to cover up that he’s just looking out for her feelings. He supposes that she’s not in the frame of mind to answer interview questions and tells her to go; he’ll take care of things.

She thanks him, and the stylist hits upon the perfect way to smuggle Mi-nam out without being seen. Just get rid of her disguise! She grabs a spare outfit from one of the other acts and dresses Mi-nyeo like a girl pop star.

Tae-kyung keeps his reaction under control, but he’s definitely stunned to see Mi-nyeo looking so pretty. He even surreptitiously takes another look. As he leaves the room, he mutters, “Taking a real look at her feels so weird.”

Complications arise when the nosy reporter wanders backstage looking for a juicy story. Seeing Tae-kyung lurking outside the dressing room, he assumes that it’s because Yoo Heyi’s dressing room is nearby. Recalling that he’d seen them near each other at the hospital, his imagination starts linking the events. The reporter approaches and asks Tae-kyung about Heyi in an insinuating tone. Just then, the door opens and Mi-nyeo starts to step out.

Seeing potential disaster looming, Tae-kyung grabs her hand and pulls her along into a run before the reporter can get a good look at her.

Naturally, the reporter pursues, smelling a hot scoop. The two youngsters are faster than him, though, and make it to the lobby well ahead of him.

Tae-kyung instructs Mi-nyeo to run out without making any eye contact with anyone, which she does. The fans are busily fawning over Jeremy and Shin-woo anyway, and don’t take notice of her.

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