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Tae-kyung confronts Mi-nyeo and plays his video recording of her admitting she’s a girl. He says almost triumphantly, “Go Mi-nam, you’re done for now,” and walks off smirking.

Mi-nyeo chases after him and begs him to listen. He doesn’t care to and dismisses her, heading to the elevator. As Mi-nyeo steps in front of the elevator doors, blocking his path, Jeremy catches a glimpse of the two and watches curiously. The scene sure has an odd vibe…

Tae-kyung tells her that he intends to hand the video over to Sung-chan and doesn’t want to see her again, calling her “Miss Go Mi-nam” pointedly.

Since he is unwilling to listen and about to leave, she looks at the phone/PDA in his hand, contemplating her move… and swipes it. She grabs it just as the elevator doors close, and dashes off.

Oh, no she di’n't. Tae-kyung chases her outside to a second-story landing, glowering all the while. He corners her and approaches menacingly (and good lordy does Jang Geun-seok have a frightening scowl), and grabs the camera/phone. He asks, “Do you think you won’t be found out without this? Are you an idiot?”

Those words get through to her, and Mi-nyeo realizes he’s right. She slackens her grip, energy sapping away. Sensing opportunity, Tae-kyung wrests the phone out of her grasp, but since she’s already weakened her grip, it goes flying… over the railing… and onto a truck below.

(Hehe. You can tell Tae-kyung is a proud guy who can’t admit his own mistakes, because he gripes, “How could you let go like that?” Mi-nyeo points out weakly, “You said to let go…”)

Tae-kyung orders Mi-nyeo to retrieve the phone and reluctantly gives her a boost up to the roof. Tae-kyung is solely concerned about the phone’s condition and grabs it back, worrying over new scratches, totally ignoring the fact that Mi-nyeo needs help down.

But soon, the truck starts moving…

Mi-nyeo attempts to call down to him, but her voice is weak and he’s preoccupied with his precious phone. When he finally turns to see the truck, he is so startled that he stares blankly as the truck pulls out of the parking lot.

Mi-nyeo tries her best to hang on, frightened and growing weaker. Just as she thinks she can’t hold on any longer, she hears Tae-kyung shouting after her — he’s running behind them, yelling at her to hang on tight.

But he’s no match for a vehicle, and can’t keep up. When the truck pauses at a red light, Tae-kyung yells at Mi-nyeo to get off quickly.

She staggers to her feet and musters her courage, jumping off as the light turns green. Tae-kyung races to try to catch her; she lands on her feet (owww), but he breaks her fall as she falls onto him.

As a result, both are a little bruised and battered as they limp home. Mi-nyeo follows a few paces behind, and although he glares at her, I think he’s actually more angry at himself for caring in the first place.

Mi-nyeo thanks him for running after her and catching her fall. Tae-kyung is so astounded by these events that he asks if this is a secret camera prank, and looks around for a crew. (It’s cute how he adjusts his attitude to appear less grouchy when there’s the possibility that he’s being taped.)

He calls her a public nuisance and decides, “Being around you is unlucky. Go Mi-nam, you’re dangerous.” He recalls all the messes she’s made, shuddering, and demands, “Take care of the messes you’ve made and disappear.”

You're BeautifulTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon