Thick Fur And Red Eyes

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The leaves crunched with every step he took. He lumbered past the large pine trees, blanketed in snow. He approached a puddle at the edge of the forest, which hugged a road. He was Jack, and he was a Lucario.

  Like most Lucario should, he had fur, though his fur is uncommonly thick and long. His fur was especially thick at his neck, where his light fur totally hides his neck, almost like a scarf. The cream colored fur on his abdomen somewhat resembles a sweater, which is probably why he isn't uncomfortable​ with being out in the cold. His eyes were a deep crimson. His ears were tall, and his snout wasn't ​too big or small, and his upper canine teeth peeked out from his lip a bit. His arms and legs were broad and muscular and the spikes on his arms and legs were just as impressive. They are quite long and glistled faintly in the early morning's stars. He is pretty easy on the eyes. Jack grabbed the branch of a pine, not at all bothered by it's spines, and violently shook it until a pile of snow that was trapped in the tree plummeted onto his face and into his mouth. With a loud clamp, he quickly shut his jaw. He shivered, melting the ice using the warmth of his mouth, swallowed the now melted snow,  and then exhaled.
  He looked down the road. "I'm alone". There wasn't a hint of despair when Jack said that, rather he sounded relieved. He sat down and crossed his legs. Only after he made himself comfortable did he look down the other end of the cold dirt road, which was hugged by the snowy pines on both sides. He bared his razor teeth and tightened his grip in anger, for he was wrong. He was not alone on that cold quiet road. A Gardevoir approached, floating down the cold, wet, and muddy path. The Lucario muttered to himself. "So much for a quiet day..". He would flee but he has already been seen. It is too late now.

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