A Friendly Gardevoir And A Not So Friendly Lucario

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  Jack tried not to make eye contact, and ignore the Gardevoir, who was already closing in. Despite his attempt to dissuade the Gardevoir, she spoke to him anyway.
"Hello, Lucario". Her voice was like silk. It's a far cry to what Jack sounds like. He sounds as pleasant as rusty nails scratching plates. Jack responded harshly.
"Why are you talking to a nobody, Friend?" he asked her coolly.
"Well why not?"
Jack was not happy with this answer, and sighed out loudly. He wouldn't have been happy with any answer she had given him, one way or another.
  She was humanoid, and almost ghostly, in appearance and stood a little taller than the Lucario, with a long white flowing dress hiding white slender legs. She carried a picnic basket in one hand. Her eyes were red, though not as bright as his, and her hair somewhat resembled a helm and it was greener than grass. Jutting out of her chest was a small red horn, resembling a fin. Her horn also juts out of her back.
  "Why are you out here? Do you  not have family?"
Jack dodged the question and countered with his own.
"You are one persistent cuss ain't ye? Why do you want to know about me?"
The Gardevoir responded.
"I have been traveling on this path for weeks. I'm tired and I haven't seen a soul out here the whole time. I just wanted someone to talk to..".
She frowned.
Jack didn't know how to respond and just decided to give in.
"Fine, you want to socialize? I'll play along, but only because I want you to go away. Also I'm too tired to refuse."
Her frown turned into a soft smile. She carefully placed the basket in her hand on the ground nearby and kneeled down on both legs in front of him, still smiling. The Lucario eagerly waited for her to break the awkward silence. The sun shined on both of them but mostly on the Gardevoir.
"I am Divine, what is your name?"
Jack struggled to respond for several seconds, contemplating even giving her a fake name.
Divine smiled, which made Jack even more uncomfortable.
"What a handsome name."
For the first time in his life, Jack blushed. Luckily for him, his fur also acted as a sort of shield, hiding it.
"Where are you from?"
"I don't know" Jack shrugged.
"Do you not have a family?"
"None. I'm alone."
Divine tried reaching out to him but he refused, pushing her hand back. Her smile broke. She got up and picked up the basket.
"I must be on my way. I need to get medicine for my father. It was nice knowing you. Unless"-Jack, looked up at the Gardevoir, waiting for her to say what she had to say-"you want to come. I am not familiar with this area. Your help would be greatly appreciated."
Jack thought about it to himself. There...really is nothing here for him. He wasn't going to be missed.
"Or you can just stay here. You seem quite happy on your own too."
She floated down the dirt path and Jack watched her the entire time. It wasn't easy but he came to a decision.

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