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  The pair wasted no time. After the storm passed, they tried to retrace their steps back to the muddy path, and they did, but they found themselves farther down the road than where they were originally. They knew this for a fact because directly in front of the two: a fork in the road. No signs Divine looked down at Jack. "I guess it is time we part ways..Hok'ee."
Jack nodded.
"I will not forget you. You have been kind to me since we met and you've shown me that there is good in the world. I am also sorry about the way I acted towards you. I do hope you can get that to your father" he pointed at the basket in her green hand.
Divine frowned in disappointment. "I had hoped that you changed your mind about that. I could use your help."
Jack stared into her eyes. "What do you need me for? I'm just a hermit. You are just delivering medicine to your father."
She shook her head
"It's more complicated than that. I really could use your help and-" she blushed lightly "-I wouldn't mind your company."
  Hok'ee flinched quite suddenly
and then his right thigh flared up in pain. A burning sensation overcame him and he fell. He looked down at his thigh and grit his teeth. Divine looked down at his thigh and gasped. A Kunai, composed entirely of water, was lodged in his thigh and he began to leak crimson. The water Kunai dissolved, no longer a liquid mimicking a solid, hit the ground with a splash and left the Lucario with a gaping and bloody wound on his thigh. A Greninja rose from a small puddle in the middle of the trail, like a phoenix rising from it's own ashes. A Blaziken leaped out from the trees and stood at his side.
"You can't escape us, Princess"

Well that's chapter six. It's really picking up now. What will happen next?

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