Blanche The Braixen

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Hey all, sorry for the delay. I got lazy and this was a massive chapter. Over a thousand words.

The Lucario placed his arm around her shoulder and she carried him out of the house that he was in for two days. It still astonished him as to how long he was unconscious. It was difficult, with him leaning on her. She helped him down the creaky wooden porch and he nearly tumbled. "After you got stabbed, I took you here, a little cabin. It belongs to my family."
She took a deep breath
"If you want to help me then we need to fix that leg." Divine huffed. "We are only a walk away from the city. The Wizard should be able to help you. We must hurry."
  Divine meant what she said quite literally. Planted into the ground was a wooden sign pointing down the road. It read "Evergreen" in white and faded letters. from where they stood, a massive stone wall towered over the trees and pierced the sky. The scale was amazing. However, the scale was the only thing that was marvelous about the walls. It's in disrepair. There is a large breach in a section of the wall and the watch tower that once overlooked the city's main gate has crumbled. Seems like the city was sieged not too long ago and they must still be recovering. Despite being wartorn, even the front gate was bustling with activity. Tall Gallade stood at the massive entrance, on guard. Zoroarks, Machokes, Lopunnies. Many Pokémon funneled into the walls. Divine helped Hok'ee limp through the city's one and only checkpoint. The wierd couple caught the attention of a Gallade and before they could slip by, they were stopped and questioned. "Who are you? And who is this Lucario?"
  The Gardevoir thought up a lie, and she thought it up quickly.
"This is my father. His health is failing him and I'm here to get him help." she said, concealing half of her face in his fur in an attempt to hide her identity. She didn't want anyone to know who she was.
"How is this Lucario related to you, a Gardevoir?" one Gallade chuckled. Divine impatiently waited for them to allow him and her through. At this point, she was practically carrying the Lucario, who was already exhausted. "Are you sure you aren't lying?" the Gallade queried. She nodded her head and the pair were allowed into the city's walls. The Gallade didn't take his eye off of either of them even after the debacle. Divine was once again stopped but not by a Guard.  This time, it was a little Braixen, who pulled at her dress.
  "B-" she hushed the Gardevoir with a little white paw and took the hand and paw of Divine and Hok'ee. She escorted both of them down an alley and into a mahogany door, with a small engraving and frantically shut it behind them. Inside was much of the Wizards belongings. It was very cramped. Books were knocked over and beakers were laying about the stone floor. There was a Cauldron in the middle and shelves stacked with jars full of all sorts of ingredients. It was very dim, as the curtains blocked much sunlight from shining through. The Braixen made sure that the windows were shut properly and that the curtains were closed. "How did you find me? What are we doing in your family's home?" the Gardevoir questioned.
The little Braixen's face flushed red. "Where have you been?! And who is this?!" she said pointing at Hok'ee with her little claw. He was barely conscious. "Calm down. What happened?" the Gardevoir asked. The distressed Braixen rubbed her forehead. She was half as tall as the Gardevoir and was just shorter than Hok'ee's neck. She had red tufts of fur coming from her ears, which were even bigger than Hok'ee's ears. Her small button nose sat atop her short and pointy snout. Just as big as her ears was her puffy tail, a massive yellow plume tipped with red. a brown stick entangled in it. Her legs were black and lean and her arms were thin, white, and furry all the way up to her shoulder. Her fur was mostly yellow and curled at her waist to resemble a puffy skirt. Her eyes burned red.
  "A lot has happened in the past few days. Firstly, I managed to steal back the medicine those two goons took from you. I also managed to convince your father to leave the castle and I gave him the medicine they took. As I suspected, he was poisoned and the medicine is certainly helping him. He can't speak at all currently." she said, pointing at the sleeping Gallade behind her. He was tucked into her bed. "My brother? Did you take him as well?" Divine asked her with a concerned look on her face. Blanche shook her head. "I couldn't find him. He's still in the castle with that pretender. He's in danger." Divine frowned. "There is no doubt that he plans to use him as a bargaining chip, that villain." 
  "There's more." the Braixen continued. "Cassius is very much aware of what I did. I can't leave. We have to act quickly."
Divine nodded and lied Hok'ee on a table. "Can you start by healing his leg?" The Braixen pulled the brown stick from her tail and waved it at his thigh. Hok'ee mustered the strength to speak. "If you can heal me then why couldn't you heal her father?"
"Because I didn't know what was wrong with him and neither do I know how to eliminate poisons." she said, flicking the wooden wand. After she waved the twig, the Lucario's open wound closed shut and he was miraculously relieved of his pain. Once his leg healed, he instantly shot up.
"Is that all?" the Braixen asked the Gardevoir, sheathing the wand back in her poofy tail. Divine paused to collect her thoughts.
"No. I think that's it."
Blanche nodded.
"Well then let's go save Everg-"
The Braixen was interrupted by a loud crash. A small rock impacted the window and landed on the ground. A small note was attached, reading in jumbled characters: "We know you are here in Evergreen. If you want to see your brother in good health then you will surrender yourself to the noble Cassius at the castle. Do not waste our time." Directly below that, it was signed from
Casca. Divine's cheeks flushed and her eyes grew cold.

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