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  The storms forced both of them off of the road and into shelter. They both found refuge under a large Oak tree. It kept the water from the showers from beating down on them, but only about as much as an umbrella with many different holes could keep you from getting wet. Jack stood farthest from the Oak, drenched from the tip of his ears to his ankle, and only down to his ankle, for the rest of his leg was trodden deeper in the mud.  Divine sat with her back against the Oak's bark. She hated getting dirty, unlike Jack. He could care less. Her white legs and dress were splotched with mud as well, though not as badly as Jack's fur, and she desperately tried to scrape it off but it only stuck to her green hands instead.
  It was quite dark beneath the tree. The puffy grey clouds blotted out much of the sun's rays and all of the light that did get through the clouds also had to break through the great Oak's branches and leaves.
  "We're stuck here until the storm passes" Jack muttered, making no secret of his distaste for being in the situation he was in. He always hated feeling powerless and not being in control. Divine sensed this.
"It's not so bad. We are together. And safe." The Blue jackal didn't appreciate Divine's attempt to comfort him and make light of their situation, or rather his situation and ordered her to stop. "I don't need your consolation!" he barked, crossing his arms. Divine was very good at maintaining her composure, very calm and collected, but she was fed up with the Lucario at that point. "Why are you so negative? What happened to you?"
  "Fine"-the Lucario turned to her-"I'll tell you everything."  He began to pace back and forth, lifting one muddy foot at a time. "But only so you'll shut up."
For a moment, he halted, collecting his thoughts and then he went back to pacing around the Gardevoir. "Firstly-" Jack stammered "-my name isn't Jack. It's a fake name that I adopted. My birth name is Hok'ee." Divine's red eyes widened. Jack continued. "My father was a Zoroark, which is why my fur is so uncommonly long and my eyes are a vibrant red. My mother disappeared from my life when I was a young lad. I barely remember her." It grew silent, as silent as it could get in the middle of a thunderstorm. "My father disowned me about a decade and a half ago. I've been alone since then.." Jack's expression turned soft and he let out the quitest whimper. Not even he himself heard it. Divine continued to listen intently. "That's horrible" Divine gasped.
"I lost my sense of worth, my self-esteem. I decided to stay as far away from others as I thought physically possible because, I thought, what would people want from some loner? I have nothing to my name. If my family didn't want me around then no one would. I wonderd-" Jack, stopped and looked down at himself. "-what did I do wrong?"
He sat down on the ground, away from Divine. "It hurts to think about it, which is why I refused to speak about it." Afterwards, he grew quiet. Divine reached out to his shoulder again and this time he didn't resist her. "I'm sorry. I didn't know" she whispered to him.
  He looked over his shoulder and at her. The harsh feelings he had for her dissipated.

And that's the fifth chapter. That was a hard one to write. I hope people are liking it. Also, fun fact, Hok'ee is actually ba Native American name, meaning Abandoned. More chapters coming.

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