The Pretender

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The Lucario woke up in the strangest place, a small room with poorly lit with candles. Very different from the wild. The walls in the room were cobble and the ceiling and the beams propping it up were a dark brown. He turned over to his left side and found bloody rags, seven of them to be exact. To his right was Divine, slouching over the bed and on his arm, dead asleep. He poked her first with a paw but she refused to wake up and then he used the spike on his wrist to lightly poke her, at which point she jumped.
"What were you doing? With my arm?" Jack sneered. Before Cherish could open her mouth, Jack cut her off and sat up, fighting his burning wound the entire time. "Actually, nevermind. I want you to tell me everything."
Jack's​ voice was more shrill and his tone, more coarse, than usual. Divine nodded and huddled close to his side. She was careful not to touch his leg. She cleared her throat.
"It's custom for Gardevoir and Gallade to marry only each other. There is 'no fooling around' unless it's with a Gallade." When she said that, she mimed her hands and imitated an older man. "My Father, the King, always told me this. I never did like Gallades much. Anyway, I eventually became of age, and then practically every Gallade in the city was vying for my attention. I didn't acknowledge any of my suitors and for that, my father chose a man for me. Everyone in the kingdom loved him even though he was a little odd. My father's court wizard, also my closest friend, saw through his guise and warned me of the threat that he posed. Before our wedding, my Father became bedridden, forcing the marriage to be postponed. The wizard told me that he'd not come down with an illness of any kind, but he had instead been poisoned. I thought the Braixen was being ridiculous but I decided to listen to her. So, she sent me out to get medicine for him. My greatest fear became a reality when we were ambushed two nights ago." Hok'ee's eyes widened and he nearly fell off of the bed. He didn't think that he had been out for that long. "Both Casca and Ligarius mentioned the name Cassius. Cassius is the name of my fiancé. It occured to me, the Wizard was right. Cassius The Pretender is trying to end my family. He poisoned my father and he sent those men after me. My brother, he is only a Ralts. He is a target too, I'm sure." Divine's eyes began to water at the thought. "My family-my kingdom, it's in danger." Hok'ee got out of the bed, a painful task.
"I am coming with you"
Divine shook her head.
"Not in your condition. I don't want to lose you."
Jack coughed violently "I don't want to lose you either."
Divine's face turned several shades darker.
"I also have a score to settle with that Greninja. I need to redeem myself."
Divine smiled at him "I've never met anyone so loyal and stubborn." She pecked his forehead and hugged him. For the first time in years, Hok'ee smiled, showing more than a few fangs.

Chapter eight done. So they are now a thing and it has been revealed that Divine's father was poisoned. What next?
Until next time.

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