The Princess

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Divine took a defensive stance and stared down the Greninja and Blaziken. "You.." she said, as if already familiar with the pair of Pokémon.
The Greninja cackled, relishing his victory over the blue jackal, who was only just conscious. He was just shorter than the Lucario. He was, blue, had a long pink tongue that wrapped around his neck(one wonders how he can even speak), a small frame with long, thin arms and webbed feet. His eyes seemed to be shut, but in actuality, they were not. The Blaziken was obviously the brawn, not the Greninja. He had a short red beak, two long plumes of feathers coming out of the back of his head. He towered over Divine, with his large and muscular legs. Lucario spluttered. "Who are you?" Both the Greninja and Blaziken bowed and introduced themselves.
"I, Casca." the frog declared.
"And I, Ligarius" the Blaziken proudly said.
"And who is this lad, Divine? A suitor?" Ligarius asked, his arms crossed. Divine's face turned red. Whether it was because of rage or embarrassment, it was anyone's guess.
"Not at all!" she exclaimed.
"Are you sure?" the Blaziken queried, grinning widely.
"Ligarius, we are not here to chat. Get to the point." Casca said impatiently.
"Yes, Casca." Ligarius replied subserviently. He bowed to her. "Divine, under the order of Cassius, we are here to exterminate you along with the medicine, and just to make a point, the Lucario as well. It would also be appreciated if you simply surrendered the medicine to us."
The Blaziken's malice made Casca smile.
"No. I won't fail my father..or my kingdom!" That was the loudest that Divine ever shouted. It made Jack's large ears ring.
The Gardevoir's eyes glowed a vicious pink and she conjured a large sphere resembling the moon and hurled it towards both of them, creating a smokescreen. After it cleared, the dark type and fighting type...and the basket containing the medicine disappeared. Divine failed to notice, for she was busy tending to Hok'ee, who was still suffering from blood loss. Jack groaned "You have a lot of explaining to do!" before drifting out of consciousness.

And I think that's it for chapter seven. So Divine is a princess? The biggest surprises are yet to come. Also, if you didn't catch the reference, Casca, Ligarius, and Cassius are all characters from Julius Caesar.
Until next time.

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