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The rest of the classes that day were shit!
I hate maths and science!  The only subject I'm half good at is English and art!
That JJ that lil!!!!! ..... Deep breaths he makes my blood boil.
I practically ran out of class as soon as the last bell went wanting this day to end quickly, 
I dumped my school books in to my locker and turned to face a nervous looking otabek.
'um...Yurio... Would it be alright if I walked you home?'
I was annoyed he called me Yurio instead of Yuri but it sounded cute when he said it :)
'sure... That would be nice ' I smiled the corridor was empty now as many students left for home already.
'you good to go now?' otabek asked gently
I nodded and we started walking together.  He was so much taller than me I berly came up to his waist.l!
he was so tall! This could be awkward if we were to kiss or something else...that involves us being very close and naked... FOCUS YURI! I screaming at my inner self stop with the gay thoughts and focus!
We walked past the main entrance outside on one of the benches in front of the car park were Chris and JJ and Victor and yuri making out... Ew gross piggy is getting his face eaten.. Victor must like bacon,  I snigger to myself making otabek look at me.
I blush he must think I'm phycho.
We continued walking the cool evening breeze throwing throw my long hair I close my eyes and take a deep breath the air warm and refreshing. 
I open my eyes to catch otabek staring at me intently 'what?' I ask more angry than I ment to.
'nothing ' he said but I could see a small blush creeping on his cheeks.
'yuri can I..... I was wondering if maybe I could have your number?'
'sure!' I said whipping out my phone.
Otabeks really shy I thought to myself he's quite and shy that's so sweet! 
Before I knew it we were outside my house. 
' thanks for letting me walk you' otabek said quietly
'no thank you!' I said a bit  too  enthusiastic
'maybe I can walk you to school tomorrow?' 'sure I said smileing he's so adorable!  But in a sexy cute way!
I was about to hug him when I realised he was staring at my arms, I instinctly covered then with my over atm trying to hide the scars.
Fuck! I feel so shitty now he really must think I'm ugly  or repulsive or.... ' yuri.. ' I'm snapped out of my thoughts but otabeks soft voice.
'you don't have to hide that from me I would never juge you for them...I think your beautiful any way'
I throw my arms around his neck and mumbled in to his neck 'thank you otabek no one has ever said anything like that to me... Ever'
I feel like crying everyone thinks I'm ugly that I'm defective that I'm hideous because of the silver blue scars that cover my arms and legs.
' I  mean it yuri you are beautiful let no one tell you otherwise'
I pull away from are hug and instant miss otabek warm strong arms and body heat.
' I'll see you tomorrow yuri..' otabek said before walking away with a smile.
I miss him already!!!! 
I wave at him and he waved back before turning the street corner.
I sighed happy and want in doors.
To day was a surprisingly good day.

Hiiiiiiiiiii is meeeeeeee a long ass chapter! In my opinion ittook forever to write!!!  AAAAHHGHGAAA otabek is so hot! And THERES GOING TO BE A YURI ON ICE MOVIE!!!  Breath and calm... Alright that's all 😁 plz vote and comment 😘

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